Teach PE and the Academic Performance of Grade 5 Pupils at Barumbung and Calinaoan Elementary School

John-Mark A. Balete, Teacher III, Barumbung  Elementary School


This study determined the effectiveness of TEACH PE (Technology Enriched Applied in Competencies with Highlight-review in Physical Education) as an intervention toward improving the learners' skills in Physical Education. Specifically, it addressed the identified least mastered competency, "Executes the different skills involved in the dance" (PE5RD-IIc-h-4) through quality assured Audio-Visual Presentations in adherence to distance learning modality. Sixty-four (64) learners from Calinaoan and Barumbung Elementary School were the study's respondents after the researcher used purposive sampling in selecting respondents who formed part of the controlled and experimental groups. Pre-test and post-test were given to both groups. The experimental group utilized TEACH PE as an intervention material, while the control group used merely modules. In the statistical treatment of data, the researcher employed the Independent samples t-test, Mean, including Eta Squared, to determine the effectiveness of the intervention among the respondents. Based on the analysis, the intervention had a significant effect on the respondents' test scores resulting in the improvement in the performance of Grade 5 pupils of the said schools, as shown by the effect size of 2.01. Furthermore, the study also revealed that the learners who used the intervention performed better than those who only used their modules. Thus, the researcher recommends that Physical Education Teachers utilize this intervention material.

Keywords: Performance Improvement, Dance Skills, New Normal

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Balete, J. (2023). Teach PE and the Academic Performance of Grade 5 Pupils at Barumbung and Calinaoan Elementary School. Saringit, 3(1), 149-152.