EPSA-Notebook and Vocabulary Skills of Grade 6 Pupils at Minagbag Elementary School

Izel A. Calilung, Teacher III, Minagbag Elementary School; Mary Joy A. Sabado, Teacher III, Minagbag Elementary School


This study determined the effectiveness of Project EPSA (English Proficiency Subordinating Activities-Notebook) on the vocabulary skills of grade 6 pupils at Minagbag Elementary School. The quasi-experimental research design was used with stratified random sampling utilizing 62 respondents to form the control and experimental groups. Statistical tools in data treatment were employed such as independent samples t-test in determining the significant difference between the percentage change, mean, and standard deviation in comparing the pre and post-test scores of the control and experimental group and ETA² for the effect size of Project EPSA to the student’s academic achievement. Results showed that the mean score and standard deviation of the experimental group were interpreted as outstanding while the mean score and standard deviation of the control group were labeled as good. Results revealed that there was a significant difference between the percentage change of the experimental and control group. It also implied that the experimental group portrays better results than the control group. Lastly, there was a large effect of Project EPSA on the achievement of the students in developing their vocabulary skills. Thus, it is highly recommended for use by other teachers teaching the same subject matter.

Keywords: Project EPSA, modular approach, quasi-experimental, academic achievement

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Calilung, I., & Sabado, M. J. (2023). EPSA-Notebook and Vocabulary Skills of Grade 6 Pupils at Minagbag Elementary School. Saringit, 3(1), 145-148.