Level of Competence in Guidance and Counselling of Classroom Teachers in Area 2 of Delfin Albano District

Rowena M. Bareng, Principal I, San Nicolas Elementary School


This study determined the level of competence in guidance and counseling among 35 classroom teachers as Guidance Counsellors in Area 2 of the Delfin Albano District. A descriptive survey questionnaire was adapted from the Competence for School Counsellors, Grades K-12 Initial Licensure to gather the data for the study. The profile of teachers was identified, and the relationship of the profile of teachers with their level of competence was tested. The results indicated that teachers demonstrate competencies as to professional practice, academic development, knowledge, management, delivery & collaboration and consultation. In addition, the foundations, accountability and assessment, and evaluation of teachers were found as developing towards competency. The study further revealed that age, sex/gender, the number of years in teaching, and educational attainment have no significant relationship with their competence in guidance and counseling. However, the training attended is evident to be significantly related to their level of competence. Based on the findings, it is highly recommended that all classroom teachers be offered training specifically on the specified weaknesses to improve and strengthen school guidance counseling services to address the psychological needs of learners.

Keywords: Level of Competency, Guidance & Counselling, Classroom teachers

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Bareng, R. (2021). Level of Competence in Guidance and Counselling of Classroom Teachers in Area 2 of Delfin Albano District. Saringit, 2(1), 44-47.