Senior High School Teachers’ Level of Awareness and Acceptance on Implementation of Lesson Study

Maribon J. Bagunu, Assistant Principal, Tumauini National High School


This study aimed to determine the awareness and acceptance level of Senior High School Teachers in Tumauini District. Correlational research design to explore the levels and the relationship between awareness and acceptance readiness on the implementation of lesson study with 67 Public Senior High School teachers of Tumauini District. Google forms were used to gather the data needed. Based on the analysis results, teachers are aware and accepting of the lesson study to be implemented. The analysis also showed a positive and significant correlation between awareness and acceptance, which signifies that the two variables are interrelated. Since the relationship is positive and high, it suggests that as awareness increases, acceptance also improves. Hence, it is recommended that the Tumauini District conduct a formal seminar or workshop that will fully advance the teachers’ awareness of lesson study to accept and adopt it in the teaching process.

Keywords: educational television, TV broadcasting, enhanced localized learning and development program

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Baguno, M. (2021). Senior High School Teachers’ Level of Awareness and Acceptance on Implementation of Lesson Study. Saringit, 2(1), 24-27.