Readiness of Teachers of Roxas West District in Utilizing Different Learning Modalities: Basis for Designing Capability Building

Elector Dumaguing, Principal I, San Antonio Elementary School


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the modes of teaching and learning, and readiness for such changes has to be measured. This study was conducted to determine the teachers’ readiness in utilizing the different learning modalities for School Year 2020-2021 as the basis for Learning Development for the teachers of Roxas West District. Respondents were the teachers of the nine schools of Roxas West. The researcher used the Sequential Mixed Methods by Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007, specifically the Explanatory Design. It also used frequency, percentage and mean and standard deviation to get a thorough interpretation of results. Findings reveal that most respondents have gadgets and materials and ready to implement the learning delivery modalities. However, they are not yet totally ready on their skills and technical knowhow of preparing and utilizing online platforms of teaching, radio-based instruction, and television-based instruction. Further, teachers also have issues with parents’ limited participation in the education of their children. Hence, it is recommended that the learning and development be designed to improve the implementation of LDM in Roxas West District, focusing on the skills development on the utilization of technology. Likewise, parents should also be given the training to improve their involvement in their children’s education. Moreover, BE LCP should be well disseminated, monitored, and evaluated to improve its implementation and enhance the delivery of learning modalities.

Keywords: LDM, BE-LCP, readiness, implementation

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Dumaguing, E. (2021). Readiness of Teachers of Roxas West District in Utilizing Different Learning Modalities: Basis for Designing Capability Building. Saringit, 2(1), 59-63.