Project I PASS Math (Improving the performance and Arithmetic Skills of the Students through Mathematics Worksheet

Christian J. Julian, Teacher III, Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Project I PASS Math (Improving the Performance and Arithmetic Skills of the students through Mathematics) worksheet as an intervention to enhance the following skills: knowing and understanding; proving and decision making, and computing and solving. The study utilized a Quasi- Experimental Research design with sixty (60) Grade 11 students of Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School as respondents employing the purposive sampling technique. There were two groups of respondents wherein the experimental group utilized the worksheet as an intervention material and the control group used a module. The statistical tools used were the Mean, Standard Deviation, Dependent t-test, Independent t-test, and Eta Squared. Based on the analysis, there was a significant difference between the student’s pre-test and posttest scores. Further, there was a large effect on respondents’ test scores. There was an improvement in the performance of Grade 11 students of Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School after the utilization of the intervention. From the findings and conclusion, the researcher recommends (a.) the use of worksheets as an intervention material in teaching Rational Equations and Inequalities; (b.) develop other mathematics worksheets; and (c.) conduct similar studies to improve performance.

Keywords: I PASS Math, improving, worksheet, arithmetic skills, performance

Year: 2023

posted on September 9, 2023

How to Cite

Julian, C. (2021). Project I PASS Math (Improving the performance and Arithmetic Skills of the Students through Mathematics Worksheet. Saringit, 2(1), 126-129.