Special Programs

To improve the quality and relevance of basic education, Parang Elementary School embarked on the following strategies and programs:

A. Pupil Development Programs

Every parent has the dream and hope of giving his/her child the best education. Likewise, PES aspires to give the best education for its clientele, and the end view is to achieve quality and relevant basic education. It is in this regard, that the different programs and projects are intended for the development of individual pupil namely:

  • Journalism Training
  • Eco Savers Program
  • Disaster Preparedness Program
  • Use of Digitalized Learning Material (DLM)
  • Read-A-Thon
  • Tree Planting

B. Special Program for Each Unique Pupil

  • Average and gifted children in Math are encouraged to attend the special Math classes (MTAP Saturday Program)
  • Various Sports Activities are being introduced and pupils may choose a sport he/she is more interested.
  • Interest clubs are organized such as;
  1. Scouting (BSP, GSP, Kid, Star, Twinkler)
  2. Young Writers Club
  3. Yes-O
  4. Batang Emergency Response Team (BERT)
  5. Red Cross Volunteer
  6. School-Pupil Governance (SPG)
  • Technolympics Skills
  • Red Cross Programs
  • Arts & Paintings Enhancement Projects & Competitions
  • STEP Skills Mentoring

C. Literacy Congress

  • Remedial Reading
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Learning via Television Educational Program Religious Parochial Instruction
  • Use of multimedia instructions such as Internet Connectivity, Digitalized Learning Materials (DLM’s), DVD’s of Sineskwela, MathTinik, Hiraya Manawari and the likes.
  • Computer classes are offered to all Grade 6 pupils.
  • E-Learning classes

D. Guidance and Counselling

E. Educational Testing

F. Health and Nutrition Program

  • Free Feeding Program
  • Deworming- Functional School Clinic
  • Dental Check-up and Recommendation
  • Eye Check-up