SChool History

Miss Nora Utchingco, the Teacher-in-charge of the school with two other “Thomasites,” Miss Espie Cruz and Mrs. Josefa C. Ramos were the pioneers of the school built in the midst of a cogonal area. The bamboo flagpole was replaced by an iron pole through the combined efforts of the teachers, the former Barangay Captain Severino Dionisio and the late Councilor Jose Cruz. The school was clearly defined with P. Gomez in the east, J. Burgos in the west, P. Paterno in the north and J. Sumulong in the south.

To show the local government’s effort to help improve the quality of education, a two-storey building was constructed in 1998, through the City Mayor as a very fitting tribute to the administrators, teachers and school children. The renovation of the gym and cementing of the quadrangle and mango orchard had brought a big difference in the ambience of the school campus.

The former principals of the school and the present principal, Ms. Marciana R. De Guzman, have contributed in making Parang Elementary School, a wholesome environment for teaching and learning.

Parang Elementary School, unbeaten by any other schools in the Division is leading and piloting with its environmental projects, sports development, ICT programs, academic and non-academic programs for several years. These awards serve as an inspiration to carry on with the noble task of improving the second home of the school children, teachers and other stakeholders of Parang Elementary School.