Improved teaching learning activities and resources that results to sustained improvement

Assessment tool/feedback of pupils, teachers and parents.

Accomplishment Report

Record of continuous and shared practices in the community to improve teaching and learning activities

District learning action cell/visual aids/LMS exchange program.

LAC Session focused on T-L

No. of Teachers trained in INSET

Documented partnerships on improving T-L activities and resources (MOU) shared practices.

List of intervention and innovations implemented

Action Research on pedagogy and content/Action Researches conducted focused on T-L process

Best Practices on the development and implementation of innovative needs-based learning resources

Certification of sharing/adoption of best practices

Documentation of sharing best practices through benchmarking/adoption

Shared information on the localized materials with other community stakeholders

Shared information on the localized materials with other community stakeholders

Shared information on the localized materials with other community stakeholders