Vision, Mission, Objective

  • Envisions highly responsible, morally upright, globally competitive, and work-ready learners from schools offering relevant and innovative Science, Technology and Engineering education

  • Shall be the centers of excellence in Science, Technology and Engineering education in the schools divisions that shall develop the full potential of students along these areas

  • Aims to widen access to quality secondary education with the view to develop learners for careers in or for higher learning in Science, Technology and Engineering

Academic Program JHS


Academic Program SHS


Scope and Coverage

-> System Readiness

  • Responsiveness to market demands of the STE career pathway in support of the national development goals and

  • Availability of resources (facilities, equipment, and teachers) which shall conform to the standards as the basis for determining whether the school has adequate infrastructure and faculty to deliver the program both at the level of core curriculum and career pathways.

-> Certification

-> Accreditation

Number of Sections to Offer the Program

Two (2) sections per grade level consisting of a maximum of thirty-five (35) students per section shall be created to offer the program from Grade 7 to Grade 10 in schools where the Science, Technology and Engineering Program is being implemented in Special Science Classes


Special Program Committee

  • Science Program Coordinator/Department Head

  • Science Teacher preferably handling an advance subject

  • Guidance Counsellor/Designate

Stage 1

Preliminary selection through documentary evaluation to assess the readiness /qualification of applicants based on the basic requirements as follows:

  • NSO Birth Certificate

  • Certificate of good moral character

  • Medical Certification

  • Form 138 (PROFICIENT level in Science, Mathematics, English and the special subject/s and at least APPROACHING PROFICIENCY in other subjects)

  • Referrals and other relevant certifications

Stage 2

Interview of the applicant, together with the parent/ guardian shall be undertaken to validate the documents submitted and to gauge the possibility of the applicant to succeed in the program.

Stage 3

Administration of High School Occupation and Interest Inventory (HSOII) and aptitude test shall be under the supervision of the Regional Supervisor in-charge of the special program in Science, Technology and Engineering.


  • Promoted if he/she attains PROFICIENT level (85%-89%) in Science, Mathematics and the special subject/s

  • At least APPROACHING PROFICIENCY (80%- 84%) in other subjects


  • A learner shall be allowed to transfer to another school offering the same program, provided he/she has maintained the required level of proficiency;

  • A learner from the special program shall be allowed to transfer to a regular curricular program without subject deficiency; and

  • A learner from a regular curricular program shall be allowed to transfer to the special program, provided the requirements in the special program have been met.

Selection of Honors

  • Shall have a seperate set of honors, provided that the number of graduating students shall be within the limits of the national averages for completion and drop-out rates.

  • Other policies pertaining to the selection of honors shall draw from the guidelines on the selection and recognition of honors of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum as stipulated in relevant and most recent DepEd Order/Issuance.

Assessment and Rating System

  • Shall follow the guidelines as prescribed in the General Guidelines for the Assessment and Rating of Learning Outcomes

  • Shall employ holistic and standards-based assessment where the attainment of standards shall play an important role in gathering evidences of learning

Delivery of Instruction

  • Shall be handled by teachers whose qualifications include a degree/certification in his/her area of specialization who are guided by appropriate educational pedagogies and principles involving current trends and strategies in teaching and learning.

Program Management

  • Shall be managed by the School Head assisted by the Science Program Coordinator/Department Head who is preferably a specialist

  • Sustainability of the program shall be achieved in coordination with the School Governing Council (SGC) where the Science Program Coordinator/Department Head shall sit as member

  • As part of its responsibility in the management of the program, the Division Offices shall perform supervisory functions to ensure that the implementation is within the standards set by the program

  • Overall management of the program shall be the function of the Regional Offices

  • Development of policies and guidelines in the implementation of the program shall be the function of the Central Office

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • The Division Offices shall conduct progress monitoring of the implementation of the different activities of the program including the utilization of the subsidy as part of its regular activities.

  • The regions shall be responsible in the overall managing of the program, determining program impact and identifying best practices in program implementation.

  • A composite task force from the Central, Regional and Division Offices shall conduct regular evaluation of program implementation.