SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING (STE) PROGRAM formerly the Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP)

The Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program is the flagship program for the development of Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Research in Special Science Classes (SSC). The Science Curriculum Framework articulates standards, core competencies, approaches and underlying principles in Science for secondary schools in the country.

The framework is constructed around the development of a functionally literate Filipino who demonstrates understanding of basic Science concepts and processes in an integrative way to solve problems critically, think inventively and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment conserve resources and sustain quality life.


The Department of Education commits itself in the development of the full potential of students in all areas.  Various programs and projects have been implemented to realize its goal. One of its thrusts is to produce quality learners in the field of Science and Technology. In this regard, Special Curricular Program in Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) has been offered which envisions highly responsible, morally upright, globally competitive, and work-ready learners. This program aims to widen access to quality secondary education with the vision to develop learners with the interest and aptitude for careers in or for higher learning in Science, Technology and Engineering.


Participation in the Program


Students shall be admitted to the program based on the following:

1.1. Elementary pupils who achieved a final grade of 85% in Science, Mathematics and English and 83% in other subjects without grade lower than 80% in any grading period.

1.2. Selection shall be done in four (4) stages to be conducted by the school as follows:

  Stage 1 - The preliminary selection through documentary evaluation to assess the readiness/qualification of applicants is based on the following basic requirements:

  An initial interview of the applicant, together with the parent or guardian, shall be undertaken to validate the documents submitted in the program.


Stage 2 - Administration of a written test


Stage 3 - Final interview of the applicants, together with the parent or guardian, shall be undertaken to gauge the  possibility of the applicant's succeeding in the program.


Stage 4 - Submission of results. The overall rating of the applicants shall be comprised of 50% of the scores in the  tests; 20% personality; 20% interview; and a 10% average in Science, Mathematics, and English.    

1.3. The school screening committee comprises of Principal/School Head, Head Teacher, STE Program Coordinator, STE advisers, Research teachers,  Guidance counselor and Master teachers in Science.


Retention in the program

      As per DO no. 55, s.2010, to remain in the program, the student should obtain a general average of 85% in Science, Mathematics & English and 83% in the rest of the subjects without grade lower than 80% in any grading period. However, if the student failed to meet final grade of 85% in Science, Mathematics & English and 83% in the rest of the subjects, he/she may be placed under probation for 1 year. Then, failure to meet the grade requirements shall be a cause of transfer to the regular class.


Transfer (As per DO no. 55, s.2010)

       C.3.1. Students enrolled in the school are allowed to transfer laterally, at any curriculum year level (except in the grade 10) to another STE High School, as long as the grade requirement is maintained.

         C.3.2. Transfer from a regular high school to SSC Classes shall not be allowed in any curriculum year.

        C.3.3. Transfer from any science high school to these classes shall be allowed, provided the student has no grade below 80% in any of the subjects.


Grading System

         C.4.1. The system of grading shall be based on the criteria as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program) and DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2020 (An Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in the Light of BELCP).

          C.4.2. There shall be four (4) quarters in one (1) school year.

          C.4.3. Method of grading shall be averaging.

          C.4.4. The numeral system of grading shall be in multiple of one.


Selection of Honor Students

          C.5.1. Selection of honor follows guidelines as prescribed in DepEd Order No. 36 s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)


The program shall be managed by the school head, assisted by the science department head.  However, the STE Program Coordinator plans, coordinates, and oversees teachers and students for various programs or projects and responsible for implementing policies and procedures and organizing the activities and agenda for the program.  As part of its responsibilities in the management of the program, the Division Office shall perform supervisory functions to ensure that the implementation is within the standards set by the program.  The Regional Office, on the other hand, will oversee the overall management of the program. The Central Office will be responsible for developing policies and guidelines for program implementation.