KNHS Hymn.mp3

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Upon a hill like a castle so magnificent

Stands KNHS known for her grandeur

Builder of great people molder of their dreams

With strong faith and patriotic hearts


When times get rough and trials are around

She stands strong to watch her flock

Her glist’ning glory lights up the path

Of  virtues and knowledge to exalt


A song for you, a voice from the heart

We sing this tune from afar

A melody unchained to express our love

How blest are we KNHS, to be part of you


If fate and time shall chance to carry us apart

Your fond mem’ries we’ll ever cherish

When times shall seem blue and we’ll be missing you

All we have to do is just sing this tune


So if you search for knowledge and virtues

Climb up the hill where many want to go

In KNHS you’ll find all that you need

A school that cares whoever you are


(Repeat Chorus)


How blest are we KNHS, to be part of you!