LR Materials

The LR Portal provides access to quality resources from Regions, Divisions and School Level including standards, specifications and guidelines for assessing and evaluating, acquiring and harvesting, modification, development and production of resources. As such Dumpao Elementary School acquires and reproduces SLMs/LASs from LR Portal of the Division of Cagayan. For the reasons that Print Materials are extremely portable, cost effective, readily available and comfortable to use. It can also be used anywhere at any time. And pupils can review the materials at their own speed. Non-Print Materials are becoming important information and learning resources of Dumpao ES too because these can be available via the Internet 24 hours a day. Overhead projectors, computers and television help the teachers in the preparation of their teaching that improves engagement and knowledge retention into lessons. The Non-Print Materials provide opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching and learners become more engaged in their learning.

LR Materials Print


LR Materials Non-Print

LR Material Non-Print.docx