Topic 2 : Practice drawing landscape, architectural and sea scape

Practice drawing landscape, architectural and sea scape

1. Steps of drawing landscape

Step 1 Look for the natural impression. Before choosing the drawing angle, the drawer ought to look for the beautiful scenery he likes to inspire him to create more beautiful or finer than the dislike one.

Step 2 Analyze the desired and beautiful angle in nature. When getting it, analyze the details of which is the most highlight or second highlight feature, how the shape, form, proportion, light and shadow and atmosphere is like at the time being. All clear details should be included in the drawing.

Step 3 Choose the angle to draw and compose which is very important. In choosing a good angle, applying a “field frame”, a cardboard punched into 3*5 rectangle in the middle as a camera. The drawer holds this field frame and stretches to the end of his arm, searching the point or the angle to draw. In the field frame, there should be

3.1 one notable interest or highlight of the drawing. This shouldn’t be placed in the middle of the drawing, it will look bored.

3.2 unity layout composition The image should be unified, harmonious and relational.

3.3 balanced layout composition The image must be equally balanced, the left-right objects are different but look balanced and interesting.

3.4 sketching following linear perspective

2. Steps of drawing architectural scape following the linear perspective as follows:

Step 1 Applying the linear perspective in conjunction with the art composition principle with the following methods:

1.1 First, select the angle of the buildings. Once it is selected, analyze the interesting, beautiful or strange aspect.

1.2 After the selection, start drawing an eye level or a horizontal line on the drawing paper, then set the vanishing point(s) depending on how many buildings, how overlapped as desired to draw, perspective projection with one or two vanishing points depending on the picture drawn and beautiful art composition.

    1.3 Draw perpendicular lines to compose and keep the balance following the art composition to keep balance with the arrangement on the drawing paper.

Step 2 Start sketching straight lines following linear perspective, every angle line of the buildings running towards the vanishing point(s).

Sketching straight lines following linear perspective, as said, allows the drawer to overview the entire structure of the building, the drawer should do the following:

2.1 Roughly observe the size, proportion of each real construction by estimating from the clearly visible buildings to compare the differences between the tallest and the lowest ones.

2.2 Next, order the sizes and proportions of other buildings with heights and widths.

Step 3 When the heights and widths of the entire buildings are obtained, the next step is

3.1 draw all outlines of the buildings in geometrical shapes (rectangle, triangle, cylinder, sphere or oval).

3.2 draw all details of which is emphasized such as shapes, proportions of the buildings, objects, materials, other environment around the buildings like people, trees, cars, carts, haystacks, cattle stalls, etc.

Step 4 Shade light and shadow value that hit or appeared on the buildings to create dimensions, depth which results in the interesting buildings with good content.

Step 5 Add decorating lines at the background including sky with the weight values of clouds, with dimensions in the fore ground, middle ground and background of sky.

3. Steps of drawing seascape

Drawing seascape is a drawing shows the natural beauty and marine environment components such as beaches, rocks, waves, sea, sky, boats, fishermen, etc. Steps of drawing seascape according to linear perspective are as follows:

Step 1 Applying the linear perspective in conjunction with the art composition principle, as the following steps:

1.1 Search or create impression spot of marine nature the drawer desires or impresses.

1.2 Analyze the desired or impressed angle to be drawn following these topics.

1.2.1 The highlight or points of interest is the point shown at the front. It may be the waves hitting the shore, with spreading bubbles, waves hitting rocks with bubbles bursting over the rocks, a fishing boat floating on the beach, and the fishing villages, etc.

1.2.2 The secondary highlight is which point

1.2.3 Light, shadow and atmosphere of drawing is at what time, for example, sunrise from the horizon in the morning, bright sky at daytime, sunset in the sea at night time.

Step 2 Select the angle to draw and compose using a “field frame” making from a cardboard punched into a rectangle to view the desired angle, also using both left and right fingers to make a “field frame” to view.

2.1 Decide which is the point of interest or highlight at the fore ground or middle ground, left or right of the drawing.

2.2 Compose the unity and balancing.

Step 3 Draw a horizontal line (an eye level)

3.1 A horizontal line should be 1/3 of the drawing paper, close to the top, if the drawer wants to emphasize about the beauty of various shapes, i.e., boat, beach, waves, rocks, fishermen’s activities, etc.

3.2 A horizontal line may be 1/3 of the drawing paper close to the bottom, if the drawer wants to emphasize on the beauty of sea, boats, sky, etc.

Step 4 Start sketching seascape following the linear perspective, near-far distance.

4.1 Sketch the entire objects of the drawing.

4.2 Weigh the entire drawing.

4.3 Add the layer weight of the dark, distance and all the details of the whole.

4.4 Focus the layer weight of the dark shadow and details, clear, sharp light and shadow at the fore ground of the point of interest.

4.5 Check all the distances to get the whole atmosphere.


Steps of drawing landscape

Step 1 Look for the impression from the natural land beauty.

Step 2 Analyze the desired and beautiful angle to find out the highlight and second highlight features as well as the content.

Step 3 Choose the angle to draw, better consider the point of interest, unity and balanced layout composition. Then sketch

following the linear perspective and add light and shadow weight value along with atmosphere according to timing of the picture.

Steps of drawing architectural scape (following the linear perspective)

Step 1 Apply the linear perspective in conjunction with the art composition principle. Select the angle, draw horizontal line at the eye level, set the vanishing points and draw perpendicular lines to compose and keep the balance.

Step 2 Sketch the straight lines following linear perspective to see the outline of the whole buildings and

compare the tallest and lowest buildings as well as estimate

the size, proportion and width of each building.

Step 3 Draw outlines of the buildings in geometrical shapes and also draw all details of each building.

Step 4 Shade light and shadow value on the buildings.

Step 5 Complete with decorating lines at the background.

Steps of drawing seascape

Step 1 Search and analyze the desired or beautiful angle to find out how the highlight, the second highlight, light, shadow and atmosphere are like.

Step 2 Select the desired angle.

Step 3 Draw horizontal line at the eye level dividing sea and sky.

Step 4 Start sketching seascape following the linear perspective, near-far distances and add the layer weight of light and shadow weight according to 3 stages of distances (fore ground, middle ground and background), then check the completion of the picture.