What is a
Compliance Week?

The DeForest Area School District follows a 3:1 therapy model for all students receiving speech, occupational, or physical therapy services. The concept of 3:1 is that direct services are provided for three (3) consecutive weeks each month, with one collaborative service week of indirect services as well (often referred to as a "compliance week"). These indirect services could be  a variety of services, including student assessment or observation and consultation with school staff and other service providers. Evidence-based data indicates that this model has been highly successful in many schools. This model provides more consistent and effective services to students because of the increased time dedicated to collaboration between therapists, teachers, and parents. 

This model has been advocated for by the American Speech-Language Association, American Occupational Therapy Association, and American Physical Therapy Association. It is used by many schools in our area and throughout Wisconsin.

Collaborative services during the indirect week could include: