Scholarship Search Help

How to get started Searching for Scholarships

File the FAFSA/ORSAA! Opens Oct. 1st

Many scholarship donors require you to have completed the FAFSA/ ORSAA in order to qualify for scholarships. The Colleges you’re applying to also need this information to consider you for their scholarships.

General Scholarships

There are many places on the internet to find scholarships. However, you must beware of scholarship scams! You SHOULD NEVER PAY for scholarship information, applications, or for a guaranteed award. Below are a few scholarship search sites.

It is a good idea to create a separate email account ( since you will receive many emails once you create a profile.

Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC)

Every year, OSAC lists hundreds of scholarships that are available to Oregon high school students. As you begin your search keep in mind your skills interest, heritage, field of study, and state of residency. You should also keep track of your activities, both academic and extracurricular. Many scholarships are based on your association with particular groups and/or your involvement with certain activities.

Local/ Community Scholarships:

These are scholarships that may be available in your area, sponsored by certain organizations or businesses. Examples are: Elks Club, Kaiser- Permanente etc...To find available scholarships visit our website!

“For DDHS Students Only” Scholarships

Each year David Douglas High School offers scholarships for current DDHS seniors. The scholarship list will be posted on our website in the spring 2021.

College Specific Scholarships

Visit the website of the college you’re attending to learn about scholarships they offer and their deadlines.