Welcome to Kindergarten

Dr. Roberta Bondar P.S.

Welcome to Dr. Roberta Bondar Public School! We wish that we could invite you into the building to look around, but instead we have created a virtual tour. We are excited to begin this new journey with you as your child begins school. In Kindergarten we learn through PLAY!! Check out our learning spaces to learn what that looks like.

Bondar Tour.webm

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Dr. Roberta Bondar

Our school is named after Dr. Roberta Bondar who is the first Canadian woman and first neurologist to go to space. Dr. Bondar was in space for 8 days, 1 hour and 14 minutes aboard the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery. Upon her return to Earth, she has continued to inspire. She has published 4 photo essay books that feature her photography of the Earth. Dr. Bondar has created a foundation focused on connecting people of all ages to the environment.

Dr. Bondar inspires us at Bondar P.S. to explore science, inquiry, and the environment to further our learning.