First Day of School

*Morning entry will be through the Kindergarten Pen.*

*If you arrive after the bell has rung, please make your way to the front doors of the school where you can sign in your child and receive a late slip from the office. Late students are NOT to enter through our regular Kindergarten Pen entry doors.*

Supervision starts at 8:50 a.m.

Please note that when students arrive at school they remain outside until the bell rings. It is important that when your child arrives at school that they are dressed to be outside.

What to bring on the first day of school!

Backpack- The backpack should be large enough to fit a lunch bag, library book, school work and information being sent home. (Please label with your child's name or initials).

Lunch bag with water bottle, 2 snacks and a lunch- If you have a preference for which snacks your child eats first, please label items "1" (for morning snack), "2" (for afternoon snack) and "L" (for lunch). Please label all containers with your child's initials!

Change of clothes- In a clear Ziploc bag with your child's name on the front, please place 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants, 2 pairs of underwear and 2 pairs of socks. This bag will stay in the classroom in case of accidents.

Indoor Shoes- Velcro or slip on shoes are preferred so students can be more independent on putting them on and taking them off on their own. Please add your child's initial on their shoes.

Dismissal (End of the Day)

At the end of the day, we ask for families to wait outside the gate. We will open the gate and send children out one at a time to ensure that each child goes home safely.

We ask all families to submit a pick up form telling us who is picking up to keep everyone safe.