Dundee City Council

Online and Remote Learning Site

Welcome to the Dundee City Council Online Learning Hub.

Here you will find many resources to help support pupils learning from home.

During school closures young people at times may require to access online learning resources. This website will support pupils and parents to do this effectively.

(For all other information relating to Schools please visit the Dundee City Council Website here. )

Most schools in Dundee will use Glow for online learning and communication. Some may use alternative methods such as Seesaw. Your child's school will have been clear on their preferred method.

Using Glow requires a user name and password, both of which are issued from the school office. If a child forgets their password, they can contact the school directly. We do not encourage parents to use Glow for security reasons but we have uploaded information into the areas of this website which should allow parents to give guidance if necessary.

To access Glow, open up a browser, and navigate to glow.rmunify.com and log in.

Your child has access to multiple downloads of Microsoft Office 365 through Glow. Every child has access to a free download of Microsoft Office via Glow. Here is a video guide on how to download Office 365 apps onto a desktop.

Many of our Secondary Schools have set up their own online portals with many resources for online learning. Take a look at our Secondary School Learning Hubs.

Follow our Twitter Feed @DundeeLearning to see wonderful examples of learning in Dundee.

Follow our Twitter Feed @DigiLearnDundee for exciting ways to take digital learning to the next level.