Got a Problem?

Most of the tech issues that are facing pupils and their families can be fixed at home. Here's a few of the common issues and how to get back on track:

Glow Passwords

  • If you've set up a password recovery email then you can use that to help you recover your account then you should be able to use that to get you back. If not..

  • Phone the school office during usual school hours. Staff may ask some questions for security and child protection reasons. They will issue a temporary password that is valid for a maximum of 24 hours. This should be changed as soon as possible to a good, secure password that only the pupil knows.

  • There's more about passwords, accounts and how to adjust settings in Glow at Glow Connect here.

Problems with Glow Services?

  • Check the service status here.

  • If there is no service issue, and your problem persists, then it could be a connection problem. Often it's best to wait a few minutes and try again later. This is especially true at busy times of the day when little things are more likely to go wrong. Lots of issues like files not opening, assignments not sending or Teams pages appearing blank tend to happen at these times. The issue might not be at our end - sometimes the demand on your own broadband can be high. Check that no-one in the house is playing an online game or watching a streaming service and try again. If that's not happening and it persists, contact the school office.

  • More details about Glow's Microsoft services, including Teams, can be found here.

  • Some of our schools use Google's G Suite for Education. Problems often arise on this especially when logged into a Google device such as a Chromebook. Like the Microsoft products, things can become a bit confused. Make sure it's the Glow login and not a private Gmail account. You may have to use the special Glow version of your password which ends in For example, becomes This is not an email address but it is used to make Google services within Glow work. There's more on that here, but not all of the services listed are available in Dundee.

Curriculum Laptop Icons Disappear

  • This is a known issue with school laptops that are not directly connected to our network. High demand and minor interruptions to your broadband can cause this frustrating problem. The only real solution is to wait a few minutes to see if the connection re-establishes. If not, restart the PC from the Start menu. You should find that online "Live" lessons are able to continue, even if you can't access any files.

Can't see Class Teams in Glow?

  • You've clicked the Teams tile on your Glow Homepage and nothing's there? This is caused by a software conflict. It can happen to anyone but its especially common on the new HP 360 laptop/tablets. Please see the section below.

Conflict Problems on the New HP X360 Laptops (DIF One to One)

  • The basic problem is pupils have two Office 365 accounts. One lets you onto the schools network and lets you use software like the full versions of Office and Minecraft EDU (it's called DundeeSchools) the other is Glow. Glow gives you access to most of the tools and software you need and powers all your Class Teams. Its common for the PC to get a bit confused between the two. The best things to avoid this are:

  1. If asked for a login from a Microsoft dialogue box it will usually be your GLOW login that it needs.

  1. If you open Teams from the desktop icon, change the login details to your GLOW account (it defaults to DundeeSchools - avoid that as your Teams are not there). If you open Teams from the tile on the Glow Homepage and Teams doesn't open then follow these steps). There is also a video walkthrough.

  1. If you have problems attaching a file to a Teams Assignment: open the file in the full O365 version and click "Save As". You will need to name it and save to the "Downloads" folder. This is the only folder on the laptop that you are able to save things to. When you go back to your Assignment you will be able to attach your work from there. You can also open a new document from within Glow if you click "Attach Work". Here's the guide and the video.

We are working on a tech solution to make life a lot easier, but until then these workarounds should keep you going!

If you are setting the device up for the first time, don't worry, it just needs to connect to a broadband connection (over WiFi is fine) for around an hour.

For any issues that you find you can't fix at home then please contact your child's school in normal school hours.