Band Boosters

DC Tiger Band Boosters, Inc.

The DCHS Band Boosters are integral to the success of the band program.

The objectives of the Band Boosters are:

1. To support and inspire our students in the band program.

2. To support the band staff by serving in our designated areas.

3. To coordinate the band parents volunteered time and talents.

4. To establish responsibilities and guidelines for our parents.

5. To promote characteristics to assist the band program.

6. To project a positive image and a good social climate for our school, music department, and our students.

We obtain these objectives by participating and volunteering in booster activities.

The activities include the administration of the organization. This is accomplished by volunteering your time in the various committees we use to meet the needs of the organization, and more importantly our students. Chaperones, concessions, uniforms, competitions, and band camp are just a few of the areas where there are opportunities for volunteer service.

A secondary activity is participation in fundraisers. We have numerous fundraisers each year. Fundraisers are helpful in accomplishing both individual and organizational goals. By participating in some fundraisers, families are able to raise money for their student. This money can be used to offset the costs associated with the band. You can use the money to pay for fees, accessories, trips, etc. The fundraisers also generate the money required to operate the band as a whole. Chartering buses for travel, music purchases, new instruments, are just a few of the areas that we need to raise money.

The parents who are involved in our booster organization are great people. They work hard for all the students, not just their own. They also have a great time and make many good and lasting friends.

If everyone is a volunteer for at least one job, then no one will be overburdened.