Parent Resources

How can I track students attendance/ grades?

Infinite Campus is the software that the district uses to keep track of students grade and attendance. There is a parent portal that you can track immediate information about students attendance and grades. If you have access to the internet and a password you will be able to see this information. To get a password call 303-337-3800 and ask for the registrar. This system also makes phone calls home when students are absent.

How do I follow the progress of my child through out the year?

1. Infinite Campus has up to date grades. I will do my best to keep the as up to date as possible.

2. Students will have portfolios where they will keep there homework and what we have covered in class. If you want to track your child's progress you can have him/her bring their portfolio home daily or weekly.

4. I will try to send e-mails home if your son/ daughter is not passing an assessment.

5. Grade reports will be sent home on the ________________

6. Parent teacher conferences will be on ________________

7. A syllabus will be sent home at the beginning of the semester which will have a tentative schedule of what will be covered and when.

What do we do if a student is going to be absent?

Have the student come and speak with me in the morning, lunch or after school and we will decide on a what needs to be done and a reasonable time frame of when it will be due.

What class will my son or daughter take next year?

Standards used in lesson planning:

ACT College Readiness Standards

Colorado Common Core Standards

What are Clickers: A major tool that I use in the classroom are clickers. I found the following video that give you an idea of how I use clickers.
