Integers (Negative and Positive Numbers)

STEP #1 Complete the Khan Academy Video

Adding and Subtracting Integers

STEP #2 Complete the Khan Academy Video

Multiplying and Dividing Negative Numbers

Step #3 Negative Number Report - Open a Google Document and answer the questions below:

A. Choose topic of something in real life that has a starting value of '0' and goes into the negatives.

B. Write in complete sentences:

1. What '0' represents in the context of your problem.

2. What do the positives represent in the context of your problem.

3. What do the negatives represent in the context of your problem.

4. Are the irrational numbers possible? Why or why not?

5. Give examples of each in the context of your problem. Make sure you describe them within the context

of your problem.

A.) A positive + a positive = a positive (Give a picture representation for this)

B.) A positive + a negative = a negative (Give a picture representation for this)

C.) A positive + a negative = a positive (Give a picture representation for this)

D.) A positive x a negative = a negative