Grading Policy

Math Owl Grading Policy


The primary goals of grading and reporting are to communicate:

1. What each student knows and is able to do in relation to curriculum and language content, which is aligned to Colorado Academic Standards and Grade Level Expectations

2. The influence of positive and consistent work habits and behavior on student learning.

Reporting Expectations

Teachers will report in two areas:

1. Works habits

2. Content Knowledge

Frequency of Reporting

Teachers will report on Work Habits and Content Knowledge four times a year at the end of each nine week period.

Late Work

Late Content Work is accepted two weeks after the end of the unit/ unit assessment. Exceptions are taken on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions are dealt with outside of class time.

Missing Work

‘m’ denotes a missing assignment and will be calculated as a zero in Infinite Campus.

Point Values

Assignments are graded on a 4-3-2-1 scale that coincides with A-B-C-D descriptors. Grades of “F” are not given.

Content Knowledge

Students demonstrate appropriate progress or proficiency on Content/ Language Standards and Grade Level Expectations (GLE) based on the student’s body of evidence. Tasks completed, whether in or outside of class, which demonstrate understandings of content knowledge are reflected in a student’s Content Knowledge Grade.

Content Grade:

Evidence of student learning

A = exceeds Grade Level Expectations for the content and language standard covered

B = meets the Grade Level Expectations for the content and language standard covered

C = is progressing toward the Grade Level Expectations for the content and language standard covered

D = does not meet the Grade Level Expectations for the content and language standard covered (Interventions are necessary)

I = Insufficient Evidence is submitted in this grading period (interventions are necessary)

When Student Earns a D or an I

If a student earns a D or an I, teachers will provide a comment on the report card. The student is expected to demonstrate proficiency on the Grade Level Expectations and earn a grade that gives an accurate description of that learning during the new grading period with the use of needed interventions.

Work Habits

Tasks, which are assigned for practice or preparation, are reflected in this report. These may include: homework completion, homework quality, other non-achievement factors such as class participation, work ethics and neatness, effort, attendance, punctuality of assignments, class behavior and attitude, student portfolios will also be included in this summary grade.

Work Habits Grade:

A = Work habits consistently exceed expectations

B = Work habits consistently meet expectations

C = Work habits inconsistently exceed expectations

U = Work habits do not meet expectations

District Indicators:

1. Competes Work 2. Is Prepared to Learn

For example: For Example:

-neatness -on time

- makes up work - has needed supplies

- turns work in on time

3. Participates in learning 4. Follows classroom expectations

For example: For example:

-effort -follows rules

-group work -on task