Project Expectations

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Grading Rubric

The following is a list of items that must be included in the final project

Data Display has:

____A. Title of graphs contents

____B. Labels on the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axis

____C. Equal intervals on the axis

____D. Data is chronologically ordered

____E. A line of best fit. (Trend Line)

____F. There must be 8 points of data

____G. Predictions of a future event using the trend line

____H. A matrix of the information (A list of the data that you are graphing)

____F. An equation of the line is found using 2 points on the trend line

____G. Your equation is used to predict a future event (Make sure to include your work).

The report should include the following:

____A. Title Page

____B. An introduction statement

____C. A description of the graphs contents

____D. State whether the graph has positive or negative correlation.

____E. 2 statements of why you think the data has positive or negative correlation using the history or your knowledge of the data.

Make sure that you are clear and concise.

____F. Proper spelling and grammar

____G. The report must be typed

H. Conclusion Sentence

I. The report is well organized

Use the links below if you do not have any data to graph.