A Successful Day in PreK

Here are the top 10 reminders we like parents to keep in mind so their child is prepared for a successful day in PreK! 

1. You must provide a water bottle and 3 nut free snacks for a full day of school

2. Peanut and tree nut products are NOT ALLOWED.

3. Children should have their own blanket. We ask for ONE small blanket and ONE small stuffed animal. 

4. No toys from home are allowed at school (with the exception of show and tell days).

5. You must sign your child IN and OUT everyday with your specific PIN number assigned to you through SchoolCareWorks (SCW).

6. We close at 5:30 pm sharp. There is a $3 per minute late fee for every minute you arrive after 5:30PM. If you run into a situation where you are going to be late, you MUST call the classroom phone number. (A classroom: 303-387-6216 OR B classroom: 303-387-6217).

7. Please remember to send your children to school dressed for the appropriate weather. It is also important they each have a full change of clothes (shoes and socks included) with them in case any spills or accidents happen. 

8. If your child is sick, they cannot attend our program until they are symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours.

9. Your child has a cubby in our room (one work and one storage). Please be sure to check and clean frequently.

10. Most importantly, we want to hear from you. We have several ways to communicate with all of the staff here in our program. Please feel free to email, call or schedule a time to talk to us about ANYTHING!