Classroom Information

Friday Folders

Folders will include graded assignments, school-wide information, and details concerning upcoming events. Friday Folders should be returned the following Monday.

Parent Communication

The Friday Forecast is our weekly communication sent out to all families. Please read each week as it contains important information about assignments, upcoming events, and exciting happenings in our classrooms.

Snack & Water Bottles

It is important to send your child with a healthy snack to help them through the morning. Snack should be something that’s quick and easy to consume (and hopefully healthy). Snacks cannot be shared.

Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle. Please make sure your water bottle is clearly labeled. Water bottles with pop-tops are the best to prevent spills.


In addition to following the behavior expectations set by Douglas County School District, Cougar Run ROCKS:

Cougar Run embraces Positive Behavior Support by explicitly teaching, modeling and recognizing students for demonstrating our core values.

R-Respect and Responsibility

O-The Power of One




We believe in Restorative Practices. If students have a conflict we encourage a time for students to voice their concerns and develop natural consequences for their actions.

Water Bottles-I am a firm believer in drinking plenty of water, especially when it is so hot outside. Students may bring a water bottle to school that they can keep on their desks. The ones with pop-tops are the best to prevent spills. Water bottles should go home each night to be washed or replaced. This helps to prevent icky, “swamp” water.

Snack-Snack will be at 10:15 daily, but if students are hungry at any time and have a snack, they are welcome to eat it. Please make sure to pack a nutritional snack, lunch is not until 1:00.