November 21, 2019

5th Grade Newsletter

Human Growth and Development

On Tuesday, December 17th and Wednesday, December 18th from 10:00-11:00 AM, we will go through our human growth and development curriculum. In Thursday folders this week, we will send home an opt in and opt out letter. Please return these by Friday, December 6th so that we have enough time to make other arrangements for students who are not participating.

Our focus is puberty and how our bodies change. The packet that your child will receive and go over with their teachers is below. In addition, we will guide our conversation with the Google Slides, which is also below. Finally, we have a copy of the letter that was sent home on Thursday in Thursday folders. Please feel free to preview the information before signing the opt in/opt out letter.

Derek Shaw and Dan Berg will be talking with the boys and Jillian Holtz and Erin Howard will be talking with the girls. During our first day (December 17th), we will talk about their own bodies. On the second day (December 18th), we will talk about the opposite gender.

A few years ago, students pulled their packets out on the last day and started showing the packets to younger students on the bus. This year, we plan on having students on Thursday, December 19th put the packet in a sealed envelope. We will send these home in our Thursday folders prior to Winter Break. It should say on the sealed envelope: To the Parents of (with your child's name). Please be expecting these.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Human Growth and Development- The Great Body Shop
Girls and Boys Puberty
Human Growth and Development Letter.pdf

The opt in letter will be sent home on November 21st. If you for some reason can't find it, we have included the letter here as well.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email us.

Mrs. Holtz -

Mrs. Howard -