“Developing student’s confidence To Try, To Fail and To Achieve, through the promotion of Physical, Social and Mental well-being”.

KS4 Assessment

Our assessment model focuses on developing the key skills that we believe students require to be successful in sport for future academic studies and to be able to live a healthy active lifestyle when they leave school. Students are assessed across 6 key strands these are:

  1. Knowledge of rules and Tactics

  2. Wider sporting knowledge

  3. Character

  4. Effort

  5. Practical performance

  6. Coaching/Leadership

These strands remain the same throughout KS3 and KS4 and become increasingly challenging when comparing to the age related expectations for that year group. For example the age related expectations for knowledge of rules and tactics of a year 7 student will differ to the age related expectations for a year 10 and 11 student. Please see examples for each year group below.