“Developing student’s confidence To Try, To Fail and To Achieve, through the promotion of Physical, Social and Mental well-being”.  

In KS3 all of our students follow the same curriculum, which aims to offer a wide range of sporting activities, outlined in the National Curriculum.  These include:

Autumn Term:

Handball, Trampolining, Rugby and Badminton 

Spring Term: 

Gym, Parkour, Basketball/Netball and Football

Summer Term: 

Rounders/Softball, Cricket, Athletics and Dance

Skill development within the curriculum

Within each of these sports, students will develop key skills across 6 strands, these being: 

Each sport will aim to develop and assess students skills across 3 of the strands (per sport), and will get progressively more difficult throughout the key stage. Further information regarding lesson focus for each sport can be found below in the Medium Term Plans.

 Please see the link below for further information on assessment.

Long term plans (Undergoing review)

Medium term plans (Each sporting block)

Winter Term- Medium Term Plans  

Badminton MTP
Rugby MTP
Handball MTP
Trampolining MTP

Spring Term- Medium Term Plans  

Football- MTP
Netball MTP
Gym/Fitness- MTP
Parkour MTP
Basketball MTP

Summer Term- Medium Term Plans  

Rounders MTP
Dance MTP
Cricket MTP
Athletics MTP
Softball MTP