Take Two Contest

Contest Coordinator: Eric Mohlis, eric.mohlis@dcgschools.com

We will be hosting DCG's 2025 Take Two Jazz and Show Choir Contest on Saturday, March 8th next year!

Our Show Choir Contest welcomes 1A-3A middle schools and 1A-4A high schools to compete in our day round. The top 6 high school groups will compete in the finals that evening. Caption Awards include: Best Band, Best Choreography, Best Vocals, Best Soloists.

Our Jazz Choir Contest welcomes 1A-4A high schools to compete. We will award trophies for the top 5 groups (Varsity and JV will compete in one class). Caption Awards include: Outstanding Soloist, Outstanding Improvisation Solo, and Best Rhythm Section. Groups will also receive clinics.


Registration will be first come, first serve. We know there are jazz band contests happening on the same day and can work our schedule around much of it as long as we know in advance. 

We look forward to the opportunity to host you next school year!