Key Club

This is a student-led leadership and service organization. Students focus on building leadership skills in their members and serving the community with their physical and financial abilities.



Advisor: Mr. Getting

Meeting Place: Media Center or Mr. Getting's room (178)

Meeting Times: Last Tuesday of each month & when needed

Student Leaders: Kenna Jackson (President), Alexia Henrichs (Vice President), Elena Nelson (Secretary), Kaylin Petrak (Treasurer), Rachel Becker (Editor), Anna Kelly (Social Media), Emma Foley (At-Large), Laura Klaessy (At-Large)

Service Events

  • Grimes Hunger Fight

  • Miracle League

  • Stadium Clean-up

  • Trick-or-Treat UNICEF

  • Holiday Cards

  • Tie Blankets for Blank Children's Hospital

  • Students vs. Staff Game

  • Thirst Project

  • Earth Day Clean-up

  • Mentor Mingle

  • Supply Drive