Mr. Sandeno

High School Science Teacher


I hope to guide each student to reclaim and enjoy the wonder that every person should experience when observing the incredible beauty and intricasies of creation!

Meet your teacher!

Science |  Ascent Classical Academy Douglas County


I am greatly blessed with my wife and four children (six, if you count my new sons-in-law), and relationships are the beautiful foundation of my life. I love people and I love helping them grow, and as well as working as a teacher, I often also work as a pastor. I love fly fishing, and if you want to take me to your favorite spot, I'm all in!


Students need knowledge, and they also need far more. They need to know how to understand others, analyze their arguments, and respond clearly and compellingly. In other words, they need to develop their ability to think. They need wisdom for navigating life and the courage to dive in. And they need to enjoy learning so that it becomes a life-long pleasure. My job is to help our students develop all of these virtues, and I try to do that as an intrinsic part of the sciences that I teach. The biggest foundation from which to help my students develop these strengths is to give them the same love and encouragement that I give my own children.


Each year, I look forward to forming new relationships with students and watching them grow in their wonder in creation, their ability to think and communicate, and their ability to interact lovingly with others.

GET TO KNOW Mr. Sandeno

What is your favorite book?

My two favorite books are the Bible and The Soft-Hackled Fly Addict. Really, almost all books about fly-fishing are good books!

What is your favorite subject?

I greatly enjoy Biology and all of its related fields, because I am fascinated - even awe-struck - with the designs and details of living organisms and systems.

What do you appreciate about Ascent?

I am thrilled that we guide our students to not only higher levels of knowledge, but also higher levels of thinking, living, and loving.

What is your favorite Sport?

My favorite sport to participate in is triathlon, my favorite sport to officiate is swimming, my favorite sports to coach are soccer and basketball, and my favorite sport to watch is college basketball.