
Getting Started in Structural Phylogenomics

This will be a weekly assignment that I expect you to read, annotate, and do well on a quiz about the material. This week we’re learning about structural phylogenies and the strengths and limitations of this particular investigation.

For this article, I would like you to write a short summary (~1-2 pages) about what the phylogenies are and why this investigation is important.

A Brief History of Anatomy as Told Through Art

By Elizabeth Lesko

Read through this article and write a response paper (1-2 pages long, ish) about what you thought was the most influential or important discovery/creation that impacted the world of anatomy the most. Explain why you think this, as well. 

We will be turning this paper in one week! Please contact me or come find me after class/school if you have any questions or concerns.

Here's the link to the article: