Biology Class Schedule

The best time to get extra help from me is before school (6:30-7:30) on Tuesday - Friday, during conference on Tuesday and Friday, and most days during lunch. I am usually coaching after school. Please plan it with me so I can make sure I will be here.

Week 1 - (Aug 28) Biology, Science, Scientific Method

Monday - Intro, syllabus H/W: read 1.1.

Tuesday - Make observations outside, using many senses. H/W: signed syllabus page due tomorrow

Wednesday - Senses, Scientific Method, and Science H/W: read 1.2

Thursday - Distinguish between scientific fact, theory, law, and truth H/W: Read and annotate the handout article on H Pylori and ulcers. Be ready to discuss.

Friday - Quiz; Understand how accepted theories can be strengthened, weakened, modified. H/W: Read pgs 17-19, be prepared to discuss. 

Case study of H. pylori, by discussion

   “What are several observations that the researchers made?”

   “Is there always one prevalent theory about a topic?”

   “What were the prevalent theories about the cause of G.I. ulcers?”

   “What was Marshall and Warren’s hypothesis?” (get specific)

   “Describe the thought processes behind the experimental design.” (link to specifics of hypothesis)

   “What were some difficulties with testing the hypothesis?” (For each, scientific or non-scientific)

   “After the personal test, was Marshall satisfied that he had confirmed the hypothesis?”

   “Was the medical community satisfied that he had confirmed that?” 

      “Why not?”

   “Were they working according to observable evidence?” “Being good scientists?”

Week 2   (Sept 4) Living things and Biochemistry

Monday - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday - Class designs an experiment H/W: read 17-23

Wednesday - Characteristics of living things 

H/W: read 34-35

Thursday - Atoms, Elements, Isotopes H/W: read 36-39

Friday - Quiz; Review; Chemical compounds and bonds H/W: read 2.2

Week 3 - (Sept 11) Water, water quick-lab, chemicals of life

Monday - Properties of water

Tuesday - Properties of water; quick lab H/W: read 2.3

Wednesday - Chemicals of Life

Thursday - Review of first three weeks; chemicals of life H/W: complete 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 assessments

Friday - No school

Week 4 - (Sept 18) Chemicals of Life; Reactions  and Enzymes

Monday - Finish chemicals of life H/W: read 2.4, do the assessment (pg 53)

Tuesday - Chemical Reactions  and Enzymes

Wednesday - Review for test H/W: Be able to answer all Q’s for Assessment 1 (pg 28-30) and Assessment 2 (pg 56-58). Pay particular attention to the “Think Critically” questions from both chapters, as well as the entirety of page 30 and page 58. Be able to answer questions about the Scientific Method Cycle (and explain the steps) and the Limitations of Science (and give examples).

Thursday - test

Friday - Intro to Ecology (chp 3) H/W: read 3.1 and do Assessment 3.1.

Week 5

Week 6

Monday - Energy Pyramids, Trophic Levels of Efficiency

Tuesday - Cycles of nutrients

Wednesday - Review of Ecology (Chp 3) H/W: read 189, 190-194

Thursday - Intro to cells H/W : test tomorrow

Friday - Test on Intro to Ecology (chp 3) H/W: read 196-201

Week 7 - Oct 9

Monday - How to use a microscope; exam cheek epithelial cell

Tuesday - Examine pond water

Wednesday - Intro to cell organelles; nucleus; support/structure organelles H/W: read 196-205

Thursday - Protein production organelles - ribosomes, ER, Golgi apparatus; metabolic organelles     H/W: pg 205, 1-5

Friday - Begin Town Hall as Cell assignment -

Week 8 - Oct 16

Monday - Tuesday - Work on Town Hall assignment H/W: Cell-Town assignment due at start of class tomorrow

Wednesday - review H/W: Read 204-205, 208-210

Week 9 - Oct 23

Monday - 1. Warm up: Write about this classroom expectation (from class syllabus):

Treat every person with love and respect at all times.

Stay quiet in class.  Show respect for other students and the teacher by not interrupting the teacher or other students. Do not blurt out something to your buddy across the room. Let the other students work by not distracting them, showing them your picture, or telling them your funny story. When you have work time, talking quietly with your neighbor is ok, as long as you are getting your work done. 

cell membranes, diffusion, osmosis H/W: read 211-213

video of osmosis: 

Tuesday - (Review Diffusion) Iso-, hyper-, hypo- tonic solutions; Active Transport

video: H/W: Complete 7.3 Assessment, pg 213, all

Wednesday - Cell homeostasis; systems, organs, tissues, cells

Thursday - Review for test: microscopes, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, cellular organization, cell membrane and functions, cell homeostasis

Friday - test over microscopes, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, cellular organization, cell membrane and functions, cell homeostasis

Week 10 - Oct 30

Monday - a Friday Review H//w: read 8.1

Tuesday - trying to buy ice cream with gold nuggets; ATP, ADP, AMP H/W: read 8.2

Wednesday - Conceptual understanding of photosynthesis H/W: read 8.3

Thursday - Photosynthesis chemistry: electron transport chain and Calvin Cycle H/W: Do assessments 8.2 (234) and 8.3 (241)

Friday - review and quiz

Week 11 - Nov 6

Monday - Overview of Cellular Respiration H/W:  read 254-260

     diagram from

Tuesday - Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain H/W: read 9.2 and complete the 9.2 Assessment on 260.

Wednesday - Fermentation, energy sources during varying exercise H/W: read 262-265, Answer q's 1-3 in 9.3 Assessment, pg 265.

Thursday - Review for test

Friday - Test: photosynthesis and cell energy production H/W: Read 274-278

Week 12 - Nov 13

Monday - Cell Growth, Division, Reproduction H/W: Read 279-284;  Answer #1 on 278 and #1-5 on 284. 

Tuesday - The Process and Stages of Cell Division (The Cell Cycle) H/W: Read 286-290; Answer #1 on 290. We will discuss answers in class.


Wednesday - Microscope: look at dividing onion tips to find cells in different stages of mitosis

Use: microscope and prepared onion root tip slideUse a microscope and prepared onion root tip slide.In your lab book, sketch and label a cell in each of the stages of mitosis, in order, and finish with cytokinesis. At each stage, label the stage and explain with 1-3 sentences what is happening in the cell at that point. Also answer Q 3 on pg 283. Turn in your lab book on back desk when you are finished. shows good cell stages

May begin Regulating the Cell Cycle H/W: Read 292-297. Answer #3 on 297. We will discuss question 3 in class.

Thursday - Socratic Discussion of Ethics of Stem Cell Research

Friday - semester review (Scales of Ecology); week quiz

Week 13 - Nov 27

Monday -  Cell regulation - cyclins, regulatory proteins, apoptosis, cancers  (Coller abstract plus, READ pg 1)  (READ Seyfried Q&A Lundberg Inst Blog)    (READ Cancer as a defense mechanism against elevated blood sugars)

Tuesday - Cancer - genetic or metabolic disease? Discussion of handouts

Wednesday - Wrap up of cell cycle, cell regulation H/W: Read 308-312 and handout on Mendel, A Private Scientist (below)

Thursday - Intro to Genetics; Gregor Mendel H/W: Do 11.1 Assessment on 312 (not to hand  in)

Friday - semester review: Ecology critical thinking and cell structure and function; Cell cycle  Bigquiz H/W: Read 313-318

Week 14 - Dec 4

Monday -  Mendel's lessons from pea plants H/W: Do Assessent 11.1, ALL!, on pg 312. See Fig 11-4 and 11-5.

Tuesday - Perform Quick Lab on pg 311, in lab book.

H/W: Homework: Type a one-page essay about the gifts and interests that you would like to use throughout life, as Mendel used science giftedness and a joy of gardening. You don’t have to know now how you would use them, though if you already have some ideas about how, that’s fine. As well as an intro paragraph and conclusion paragraph, there must be at least one paragraph about gifts (at least one area that you seem naturally good at) and at least one paragraph about interests (again at least one). This should not take more than 30-60 minutes. Just think about your gifts and interests, then write about them. Ask family members, if you don’t know what you’re good at or interested in. 

Wednesday - Punnet Squares H/W: Do Assessment 11.2 on pg 318, ALL, esp. #4!

Thursday - Irregularities and Epigenetics H/W: Do Assessment 11.3 on pg 321, #1-2 (skip 3).

Friday - Review and weekly quiz H/W: Read 323-329

Week 15 - Dec 11

Monday - Punnett Squares revisit H/W: Complete the two trait Punnett Square handout page 2

Tuesday - Meiosis H/W: In one paragraph or table, compare the results of mitosis to the results of meiosis.

Wednesday - Meiosis H/W: Do Assessment 11.4, pg 329, ALL.

Thursday - Test over Genetics and Meiosis

Friday - Review of semester 1

Week 16 - Dec 18 - review and finals!

Monday - Review of semester 1 (incl. review of Punnett Squares, for those who choose)

Tuesday - Review of semester 1

Wednesday - Final for P1 and P3

Thursday - make-up day

Friday - School-planned activities

Week 17 (Sp. Semester wk 1) - Jan 8 - DNA

Monday - no school

Tuesday - What kind of molecule carries hereditary information? What are genes made of?

H/W: Read 12.1 and 12.2

Wednesday - Classtime to write three paragraphs, explaining three experiments.

In class/homework: write a good paragraph about each of the three experiments in 12.1, with both an introductory and conclusion sentence. Explain the hypothesis (you may have to make an educated guess about this) and the experimental method.  Explain how the results demonstrate the conclusionThis is to turn in. 

H/W: Finish the paragraphs if needed; read the Watson and Crick article and annotations,

Thursday - Socratic Discussion of Watson and Crick article.

Friday - Finish Socratic Discussion of Watson and Crick article. Review.

Week 18 - Jan 15 - DNA and RNA

Monday - no school  

(for review of discovery of DNA structure:

Tuesday - Review DNA structure; DNA replication

H/W: Answer 12.3 Assessment #1-3. Do not turn in. Read 13.1

Wednesday - RNA (13.1)

Thursday - transcription and translation (13.2)

Friday - Review of week; quiz H/W: Answer 13.1 Assessment, #1-2. Read 13.2

Week 19 - Jan 22 - RNA, protein synthesis, mutations

Monday - Review of transcription and translation; begin mini-lab on codons H/W: Answer 13.1 Assessment, #1-2. Read 13.2

Translation Quick Lab

Do Quick Lab on pg 367, as follows:

1) in groups of 2 (or 1) as Mr. Sandeno assigns;

2) each person writes in his or her own lab book;

3) Add these steps after step 4:

5 - “mutate” the third base in DNA string by substituting a T for the C, and repeat steps 2 and 3 with the mutation;

6 - “mutate” the DNA strand by inserting an extra A after the first one, and repeat steps 2 and 3 again.

4) Add this Analysis Q: 3. Explain why a substitution mutation might have no effect while an insertion mutation could be incompatible with life.

Tuesday - Finish mini-lab on codons; discuss lab and questions. H/W: Read 13.3; Answer #1-3 on 371. KNOW THIS!

Wednesday - mutations H/W: Answer 13.3 Q's; Read 13.4

Thursday - Gene expression; read:,known%20beneficial%20effects%20of%20exercise. H/W:  Complete 13.4 Assessment, 1-3

Friday - Review for test on Monday

Week 20 - Jan 29 - Finish Human Genetics; Begin Evolution Unit

Monday - test

Tuesday - Fun human genetics 

Wednesday - Begin evolution unit; meaning of the words of creation and evolution  video on the creation and evolution of basketball by James Naismith

Thursday - overview of capitalized Evolutionism and Creationism

Friday - understanding literary genres H/W: Read 16.1. Come ready to discuss on Monday

Week 21 - Feb 5 - Continue Evolution Unit

Monday - Darwin and his voyage H/W: Read 16.2

Tuesday - no class

Wednesday - Socratic discussion of others who contributed to Darwin's theory

Thursday - mechanics of evolution H/W: Read 16.3

Friday - annual review (P-synth and resp) and weekly quiz H/W: Read 16.4

Week 22 - Feb 12 - Continue Evolution Unit

Monday - Evolution happens in an environment; Evidence of evolution

H/W: read and annotate article:

Tuesday - More evidence of evolution. Discuss Peppered Moth article in class:

Wednesday - Explanation and Distribution of Religion/Evolution handouts, time to work 

Thursday - Work in class to research Creation and Evolution essay. H/W: Read 17.1; essay outline due  next Wednesday, Feb 21

Friday - Review with week 14 quiz, especially the dihybrid Punnett Square

Week 23 - Feb 19- Continue Evolution Unit

Monday - No school

Tuesday - No school

Wednesday - Genes and Variation H/W: Answer, for yourself, 17.1 Q's; Read 17.2

Thursday - Work day for Evolution Essays

Friday - Evolution as Genetic Change in Populations H/W: Read 17.3

Week 24 - Feb 26 - Continue Evolution Unit

Monday - Hardy-Weinberg Principle and equations; "Analyzing Data" on 491; we will do this together; hand in as homework.

H/W: Read and annotate the handout on Greenback Cutthroat Trout. Take particular notice of a) means of isolation (in text and in illustrations); b) genetics of evolution; and c) immigration/emigration, as per Hardy-Weinberg.

Tuesday - Socratic Discussion of handout and speciation

Wednesday - Classification systems, Linnnaeus H/W: Read 18.1

Thursday - essay work day H/W: Read 18.2

Friday - Review of DNA and RNA

Week 25 - Mar 4 - Classification Systems

Monday - Evolutionary classification systems & cladograms H/W: Read 18.3

Tuesday - Three-domain systems

Week 27 - Mar 25 - Microbiology

Monday - Prokaryotes

Tuesday - Prokaryotic  diseases H/W: Read article:

Wednesday - research the pros and cons of forced vaccinations

Thursday - debate

Week 28 - April 1 - Fungi; Animals intro

Monday - Fungi

Tuesday - Fungi

Wednesday - review for test; be able to answer assessment questions at end of the three sections in chapter 20, as well as 21.4.  Be able to explain and discuss the Jenner handout and the Vaccinations Mandate handout.

Thursday - test H/W: Read 728-735

Friday - Intro to Animals H/W: Read 25.2

Week 29 - April 8 - Animals intro, systems

Monday - workday. Finish reading 25.1 and 25.2.    H/W: Read 27.1

Tuesday - Digestion H/W: Read 27.2

Wednesday - Respiration H/W: Read 27.3

Thursday - Circulation H/W: Read 27.4

Friday - Quiz (25.1, 27.1-3) and Excretion

H/W: Read 28.1

Week 30 - April 15 - Animal systems

Monday - Sensing and Responding H/W: Read 28.2

Tuesday - (no class) PSAT

Wednesday - Movement and Support H/W: Read 28.3

Week 31 - April 22 - Animal systems

Monday -Musculoskeletal system H/W: Read 28.3 and 34.3

Tuesday - Reproduction /Human Reproductive Systems   H/W: Read 28.4 and 29.1

Wednesday - Homeostasis & Elements of Behavior H/W: Read 34.1 and 34.2

Biology Animal Essay Assignment

April 24, 2024

You will write an essay about the relationship between structure and function in animals.

This will be an eight paragraph essay. As well as an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph, you will have six body paragraphs. For the first five of those six body paragraphs, each paragraph will discuss one necessary function for an animal’s body and how a specific structure meets that function.

You will explain in detail how this specific structure meets the function that is needed. It is not enough to just tell me X structure serves Y function. Tell me how it works.

For the sixth body paragraph, choose a structure from anywhere in everyday life (i.e. sports, home, church, school, etc.) to describe an example of where the structure does NOT do a very good job of serving the function. 

1) Describe a function that must be met in some setting;

2) explain how the current structure fails to meet the necessary function, or doesn’t meet it well enough;

3) suggest a possible reason or reasons that this structure exists, even though it does not work well; and

4) suggest a better structure to meet the necessary function, including an explanation of why it will work better.

Of course, good grammar and a good flow to the essay are important.

This will serve as your test for the animals unit that we are currently studying.

It will be worth 100 points.

It is due at 7:40 am on Monday, May 6. This must be typed in Google Docs and shared with me at On the top right of Google Docs tool bar, be sure that the Editing feature is selected, not suggesting or viewing. Then click on the Share button that is just above the Editing button. In the box that pops up, in the bottom half, mark Access for Anyone Who Has Link. This allows me to  make comments on your essay. 

Thursday - Endocrine system H/W: Read 35.1 and 35.2

Friday - Immune system and quiz H/W: Read 22.1 and 22.2

Week 32 - April 29 - Plants

Monday - How to create an outline for an essay

Tuesday - Characteristics of plants

Week 34 - May 13 - Humans in the Biosphere

Monday - 6.1 and 6.2, Changing our Landscape and Using Resources Wisely H/W: 157, 1-2; 165, 1-3

Tuesday - Biodiversity

Wednesday - Remediating Human Damage

Thursday - quiz and begin reviewing for final

Friday - review for final