Year 6

In Y6 the main focus is on children applying their mathematical understanding to problems and other real life contexts. There is also a focus on reasoning - explaining why a method works and exploring whether it will work in other examples.


In Year 6 we will cover all the objectives over the course of the year beginning with 'Place value and properties of number'.

Please note that this is subject to slight change during the year based on the needs of individual classes.

Term by Term Objectives - Y6


Below are the objectives that will be covered over year, grouped by mathematical strand.

Maths objectives Y1-6

Calculation examples

(Click links to view video examples)

Calculation examples - By Year.pdf

Examples of Y6 questions

Here are a some great questions for each of the areas that will be covered in Year 6.

Times tables

Addition and subtraction


Ratio and proportion

Number and place value

Multiplication and division



All questions taken from White Rose Mastery assessment document

Year 6 problem solving

Y6 students are expected to be able to solve multi-step problems choosing operations and methods for speed and accuracy. They should be able to explain their working clearly using mathematical language.

What is the largest amount one can have in standard UK coins (1p,2p,5p,10p,20p,50p), yet still not be able to make £1 exactly?