Non Fiction

1.The branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon 

facts and reality, including biography, history, and the essay (opposed to fiction and distinguished from poetry and drama ). of this class: She had read all of his novels but none of his nonfiction.

3.(especially in cataloging books, as in a library or bookstore) all writing or books not fiction, poetry, or drama, including non fictive narrative prose and reference works; the broadest category of written works.

It is an expectation that students use Destiny to search for resources to support their learning. Once a resource has been identified students seek assistance from the Library Technician Mrs Pervan or the Leader of Learning (Information Resources) Mrs Broome to get the resource for you as these are located in a library store. Look at the video below to understand how libraries store non-fiction books.

Some of our collection of non-Fiction books are on display. These books are not in a formal Dewey system but group in shared interest.


 Melville Dewey was an American librarian who lived in the 19th Century, who devised a method of classifying non-fiction, where all the books on the same subject were kept together on the same shelves.

How does the Dewey Decimal system work?

 In the Dewey system, all knowledge is divided into 10 main groups so that a different number can be given to each area of human knowledge.  Many libraries throughout the world use this system to classify, or sort, their non-fiction books. It is called the Dewey Decimal System.

 Below are the names and numbers of the groups in the system.  List in your workbook one title, and its Dewey Number, from each section.

000 to 099 General Works, 

100 to 199 Philosophy and Psychology, 

200 to 299 Religion and Mythology,

300 to 399 Social Science

400 to 499 Language,

500 to 599 Science,

600 to 699 Technology,

700 to 799 Fine arts,

 800 to 899 Literature,

900 to 999 Geography, History & Biography 

Searching for Non-Fiction books USE DESTINY.

