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SORA Reading Application

We now have a reading app that can be downloaded to any tablet or device! 

This is a fantastic resource that enables access to over 14,000 titles! 

You can keep track of the books read using your very own customised Avatar!

Reading Buddy

1. the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.

2. works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.

3. something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story: We've all heard the fiction of her being in delicate health.

4. the act of feigning,  inventing, or imagining.

5. an imaginary thing or event, postulated for the purposes of argument or explanation.

Reading Fiction sparks imagination:

In a world flooded with visual literacy. The brain is bombarded with images that provide answers to the written text. The brain simply decodes according to the information presented but fails to create original thought.  Popular to today’s youth is text /picture combos .These are are usually fleeting on screens and in the form of quick grab of content and social media. This fleeting content intact requires little attention span. Written text by itself forces the brain to develop it’s own imagery. Descriptive lyrical language ignites the imagination and seduces the mind to want to go on a journey. This in turn fosters longer attention span  and develops skills associated with being in the present. By reading descriptive text models writing skills also.  It is vital that wider reading be encouraged.

Series Reading Challenge 

The advantage of reading a series is your brain does most of the hard work developing visual imagery of characters and places in the first 100 pages of a book.  After that your reading speed accelerates. In fact your brain only factors in the first and last letters and the length of the word ! Amazing! When you next pick up a book in the series you will find that you automatically continue to read at a good speed . By the time you read a couple of books in the series you will pride yourself on how fast you can read!

 The phenomenon has been given the slightly tongue-in-cheek name "Typoglycaemia," and it works because our brains don't just rely on what they see - they also rely on what we expect to see. 

This means when you first encounter unusual names of people or places for instance, "Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" the fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series . 

Your brain will automatically picks up PR and D and you will process the entire name. Same with places. Dumbledore  is the headmaster of the wizard school, Hogwarts.  Hogwarts is registered simply by Hts. Crazy but wonderful!

You also familiarize yourself with a writers style and use of language. This also helps you become a faster reader. 


Complete the mininum of 9 books read in the challenge and receive your award!

Borrow a book from the Information Resource Centre or borrow from your local Council library. Library 2 you or Digital reading SORA.

Log into SORA

Your borrowings will be automatically recorded on Destiny- My Stuff. Inform Mrs Broome in the IRC when you have competed the challenge. this will be then verified by your Destiny My Stuff - 

Sora also records your digital reading! 

 Have fun reading and recommend a good read to your friends.


Reading out loud to an audience requires a vast amount of verbal and physical expression. Reading PFIC is a great way to practice the craft of reading to an audience.

 Reading PFIC develops skills for acting, narrating, voice over animation, journalism, presentations and speeches. Pick a PFIC up today! Practice with your younger sibling if you have one.


 A Graphic Novel is a book made up of comics content. Although the word 'novel' normally refers to long fictional works, the term 'graphic novel' is applied broadly and includes fiction and nonfiction content. 

Graphic novels are part of your English syllabus and you will be discussing graphic novels in class. Also great for Visual Arts and Multi-Media! Don't forget to add them to your bookshelf

 3.Minimum of ONE book from the THIRD SPACE SERIES. 

Numbering thirteen in total this series. This series will take you on a journey into the lives of thirteen young Australians were multicultural and diverse faiths are explored. Many of your classes will be discussing intercultural and ethical understanding, personal and social capability and critical and creative thinking. Add at least one to your bookshelf so you can join in to a discussion. Don't forget to add them to your bookshelf

4.Minimum of ONE FICTION novel of your own choice. 

Reading for pleasure is a great way to feed your imagination and the creative part of your brain. Your brain converts words into images and ignites thoughts that take you on a journey. Everyone who values creative thinking needs to exercise their brain with a FIC novel. WE recommend you start reading a series. This way you get comfortable with an author's writing style and characters.

5. Minimum of TWO Magazines of your own choice.  Go Facts or magazine choice from SORA