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FDP on Graph Theory and Its Applications

Poster_TEW DEA-2021_Deshbandhu College.pdf


Principal: Prof. Rajiv Aggarwal

Conveners: Prof. Abhay Bhatt (ISI, Delhi) and Ms. Harindri Chaudhary

Teacher in Charge: Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinators: Ms. Usha Arora,  Mr. Manoj Kumar,  Mr. Dinesh Kumar

TEW report.pdf




Patron: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary

Teacher in Charge : Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker: Prof. R.C. Mittal, Representative Dean (Research) Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

Date: Friday, March 05, 2021

                                 Webinar Summary Report

Topic: Some Applications of Linear Algebra in Computer Sciences

Department of Mathematics and IQAC Deshbandhu College organized an online webinar on the topic “Some Applications of Linear Algebra in Computer Sciences” by the speaker Prof. R.C. Mittal, Representative Dean (Research) Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida. Prof. Mittal is retired as Head, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Roorkee. Around 200 participants including faculties, research scholars and students from Delhi University and the neighboring institutes of Delhi NCR attended the webinar. Some of the important applications of Linear Algebra in daily life situations were discussed that finally are realized as the topics of concern in Computer Sciences. The concept of webpage ranking was discussed in connection with the Power method in linear algebra using Perron Theorem. Cipher Code Designing was also introduced by the speaker. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was discussed as being a dimension reduction technique to extract the dominant features of data in Computer Sciences. Finally the application in Image Processing and Face Recognition Techniques was the topic that fetched the interest of the audience most. The concept of face recognition was of great importance in the COVID-19 pandemic duration. The lecture was really interesting that connects the audience with the applications of hard core Mathematics topic of Linear Algebra in Computer Sciences with the daily day-to-day problems. The lecture was interactive and self-explanatory as observed by the participants. Looking forward to conduct similar lectures in future that can serve as a platform to learn and interact together.

Thanking You

Ms. Harindri Chaudhary, Convener

Mr. Chandra Shekhar, Teacher-in-charge

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta


Principal: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary 

Teacher in Charge : Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker: Prof. Rashmi Bhardwaj , University  School of Basic & Applied Sciences, GGSIP University, Delhi

                                    WEBINAR SUMMARY REPORT

Title: The evolution of single step methods to solve initial value problems

The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi organized an interactive webinar on “ The Evolution of Single Step Methods to solve Initial Value Problems” on January 29, 2021. With good number of participation of more than 180 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students from India. The webinar was a part of the ongoing Kshitiz Mathematics Lecture Series initiated by Department of Mathematics under the guidance of Ms. Harindri Chaudhary as a convener, Mr. Chandra Shekhar as Teacher in charge and our Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Prof Kapil Sharma, Department of Mathematics, South Asian University, New Delhi. Webinar started with a brief welcome to the audience by Ms. Usha Arora followed by Saraswati Vandana. Mr. Chandra Shekhar presented the formal welcome address.

In his talk, Prof Sharma started with some motivations "Why do we need mathe- matics in real-life problems". He gave few examples where without the use of math- ematics, we could not predict the outcomes with accuracy as in

(a) Weather Forecasting (b) Population Dynamics

(c) Missiles Projection (d) Heat Transmission.

He presented a mathematical model for the distribution of heat as a time-dependent parabolic problem.  Further, he defined the initial value problems as first-order ordinary differential equations. He gave the remarks that it is not easy to find an analytical solution to such ini- tial value problems until the function is in a simple form. He described the various one steps numerical techniques to solve the initial value problem. He provided a brief sketch of proof using Taylor theorem and said the RK 4 method is an optimal method where the number of function evaluation and order of method is the same.

At last, the speaker interacted with the audience and answered the question raised by participants. In this way, the webinar enlightened the audience about the use of one-step methods to solve the various initial value problems. Webinar ended with the vote of thanks by the convener Ms. Harindri Chaudhary.

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta

Orientation Programme.pdf

                    ORIENTATION PROGRAMME

Poster-Webinar-Nov 05, 2020.pdf


Patron: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary

Teacher in Charge : Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker: Dr. Kailash Viswakarma , Department of Physics, BNPG College Rath, Hamirpur, U.P & Rastriya Sanrakshak, Vaidik Ganit Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi


1. Title: GEOMETRY: GREAT CONTRIBUTION OF INDIA (History of Indian Mathematics)

2.  Abstract: In this talk, the concept of Baudhayana numbers, addition and subtraction of Baudhayana numbers, the concept of origin of Trigonometric Functions, the geometrical proof and origin of trigonometric identities is discussed comprehensively.

3. Discussion: The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi organized an interactive webinar on “GEOMETRY: GREAT CONTRIBUTION OF INDIA (History of Indian Mathematics)” on November 05, 2020. With good number of participation of more than 150 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students from India. The webinar was a part of the ongoing Kshitiz Mathematics Lecture Series initiated by Department of Mathematics under the guidance of Ms. Harindri Chaudhary as a convener, Mr. Chandra Shekhar as Teacher in charge and our Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Dr. Kailash Viswakarma, Department of Physics, BNPG College Rath, Hamirpur, U.P.  He is also Rastriya Sanrakshak, Vaidik Ganit Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi. Webinar started with a brief welcome to the audience by Ms. Usha Arora followed by Saraswati Vandana. Mr. Chandra Shekhar presented the formal welcome address. In his talk, Dr. Kailash started by presenting a very beautiful Bollywood Hindi songs which talk about the importance of zero that India gave to the world. Counting numbers without zero are not feasible. He highlighted the contribution of Indian mathematicians in the number system. He spoke about the 8 Sulvasutra and discussed Baudhayana Numbers in detail including how to form equal figure one to another from rectangle, square, triangle, or circle. He also focused on Baudhayana Numbers, Baudhayana angles, half angles, the sum of angles, a difference of angles, and Baudhayana Numbers of 0, 18, 30, 36, 45, 54, 60, 72, and 90 degrees. Further, he gave some applications of Baudhayana Numbers in trigonometry using Geometry. At last, the speaker interacted with the audience In this way, the webinar enlightened the audience with the Great Contribution of Indian in Geometry as well as the importance of Vaidik Mathematics. . Webinar ended with the vote of thanks by the Teachers in Charge Mr. Chandra Shekhar.

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta



Patron:  Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener:  Ms. Harindri Chaudhary

Teacher in Charge :  Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC:  Dr. Aditya Saxena 

Speaker: Prof. Pramod Kanwar , Department of Mathematics, Ohio University, Zanesville


1. Title: A Journey from Integers to Rings

2. Purpose: The aim of this webinar is to interrelate the high school algebra to undergraduates algebra, in particular Ring Theory. Participants will find it interesting to co-relate from basic to advanced algebra. It is for both students and faculty members. Any faculty, student can attend, and no prior rigorous mathematics is required.

3. Discussion: The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi organized an interactive webinar on “A Journey from Integers to Rings” on 13 th October, 2020. With good number of participation of more than 300 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students from India. The webinar was a part of the ongoing Kshitij Mathematics Lecture Series initiated by Department of Mathematics under the guidance of Ms. Harindri Chaudhary as a convener, Mr. Chandra Shekhar as Teacher in charge and our Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Prof. Pramod Kanwar Department of Mathematics, Ohio University, Zanesville. He was also an alumni of Deshbandhu College. Webinar started with a brief welcome to the audience by Ms. Usha Arora followed by Saraswati Vandana. Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal presented the formal welcome address. In his talk, Prof. Pramod Kanwar introduced the basic high school algebra where he briefly discussed binary operation on set of natural numbers/Integers/Real numbers and their properties. Moreover, he asked several interesting problems and discussed their solutions which participants found fascinating. (a) If the product of two numbers/polynomials is zero then at least one of two numbers/polynomial must be zero. (b) Is it possible to name a non zero matrix with all entries non-zeros A2 = A He mentioned," how problems changes from elementary school to college level algebra". Starting with history of rings, he explained about commutative and non commutative rings to Fermat’s last theorem. Further, he explained idempotent, nilpotent matrices and their basic properties. He explained R[x] need not be a domain where the product of two nonzero elements in R[x] can be zero. He presents comparison between Matrix Ring and Graph. At last speaker interacted with the audience and answered the questions. Overall, webinar enlightened the audience with importance of algebra from basic to advanced level. Finally, the vote of thanks was given by Ms. Harindri Chaudhary, and webinar concluded with National Anthem.

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta


Organizers and Speakers :

Principal: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary 

Teacher in Charge : Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker: Mr. Mahendra Singh Bisht , System Engineer, SCUBE Scientific Software Solution (P) Ltd, New Delhi

                                    WEBINAR SUMMARY REPORT

1. Title: Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica

2. Purpose: The aim of this webinar is to explore the technologies on the Wolfram platform including Mathematica and Grid Mathematica for a wide variety of practical applications across a variety of disciplines. Attendees will not only see new features in the Wolfram Language, but will also receive examples to begin using this functionality immediately. Any faculty, student and employee can attend, and no prior experience with Wolfram Technology is required.

3. Discussion: The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi organized an interactive webinar on “Introduction to Wolframe Mathematica” on 07 th Sep, 2020. With the massive participation of more than 300 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students from India and abroad, the webinar was a part of the ongoing Kshitiz Mathematics Lecture Series initiated by Department of Mathematics under the guidance of Ms Harindri Chaudhary as a convener, Mr. Chandra Shekhar as Teacher in charge and our Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Mr. Mahendra Singh Bisht, System Engineer SCUBE Scientific Software Solution (P)Ltd, New Delhi. Webinar started with a brief welcome to the audience by Ms. Usha Arora followed by Saraswati Vandana. Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal presented the formal welcome address. In his talk, Mr. Mahendra spoke about the Mathematica which are used in almost every field of Mathematics. He starts implementation of mathematica to solve second order partial differential equations which contain nonlinear coefficients. He has discussed Wolfram Alpha and also discuss its importance, limitations and its rules. He talked about its feature, programming and design of programming using Mathematica. He has practically explained how to run plotting, list, clear and many more commands and discuss set function and set delay function in Mathematica. He also explains Parallelization and GPU programming. At last speaker interacted with the audience. In this way, webinar enlightened the audience with uses of Mathematica. Finally, the vote of thanks was given by the Teacher-in-Charge Mr. Chandra Shekhar and webinar concluded with National Anthem.

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta


Principal: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary 

Teacher in Charge : Mr. Chandra Shekhar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker: Prof. Rashmi Bhardwaj , University  School of Basic & Applied Sciences, GGSIP University, Delhi

                                    WEBINAR SUMMARY REPORT

Title: Fractals and its Application in Real Life

The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhiorganized an interactive webinar on “Fractals and its Application in Real Life” on 25th Aug, 2020. With the massive participation of 300 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students from India and abroad, the webinar was the inaugural lecture of the Kshitiz Mathematics Lecture Series initiated by Department under the guidance of Mr. Chandra Shekhar as Teacher in charge and Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Prof. Rashmi Bhardwaj, university school of Basic and Applied Sciences GGSIP University, Delhi. Webinar started with a brief welcome to the audience by Ms. Usha Arora followed by Saraswati Vandana. Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal presented the formal welcome address. In her talk Prof. Rashmi spoke about the fractals which are used in almost every field like Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Music and arts, Geology and many more. She focused on real life application where we can see fractals such as Nature, Architectural Design, Human Anatomy, Kemotherapy etc. She also talked about Cantor Set and Koch Curve which are the example of fractals with perfect self similarity. At last speaker interacted with the audience. In this way, webinar enlightened the audience with uses of fractals in Real Life. Webinar ended with the vote of thanks by the Convener Ms. Harindri Chaudhary.

Organizing Committee:  Ms. Usha Arora, Dr. Pramod Arora, Ms. Harindri Chaudhari, Dr. Navin Chandra, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Mr. Chandra Shekher, Mr. Mukesh Aggarwal, Mr. Rohit Goel, Ms. Parveen Bava, Dr. Shushil,  Dr. C. P. Ban, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Mr. Om Prakash Meena, Mr. Dinesh, Ms. Shipra, Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Dr. Chirag, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Ms. Preeti Yadav, Mr. Vikender, Ms. Saloni Gupta


Principal: Dr Rajiv Aggarwal

Convener: Ms. Harindri Chaudhary 

Teacher in Charge : Rajender Kumar

Coordinator IQAC: Dr. Aditya Saxena

Speaker:  Prof. Prof. H.G. Dales, Department of Mathematics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Open lecture by Prof. H. G. Dales

The Department of mathematics and IQAC of Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi organized an open lecture on Independence of Continuum Hypothesis on December 5, 2018 in Physics Lecture Theatre, Deshbandhu College. With the massive participation of more than 70 including Faculty, Research Scholar and Students, under the guidance of Dr. Rajender Kumar as Teacher in charge and Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal. The guest speaker was Prof. Prof. H.G. Dales, Department of Mathematics, Lancaster University, United Kingdom