During the 2023-2024 school year, programs using the Launchpad Curriculum must submit data to the Office of Early Childhood from the Foundational Skills Survey. Please get in touch with us at prekrise.support@ade.arkansas.gov with any questions or to find out more information.

Launchpad Recording Sheet - Google Document (BOY/EOY Only)

The Launchpad Data Recording Sheet can be a useful tool to help programs record and analyze data gathered from the Launchpad Foundational Skills Survey. When you click the link above, you will be asked to make a copy.  A new Google sheet will be created in your Google Drive and will only be accessible to you. 

To share it with other PK4 teachers in your program/district, please click, "Share" and add the email addresses of everyone you would like to have access to the document.

This document contains a Final Data Recording Sheet that has a place to record the beginning of the year data and end of the year data.

If you have any questions on how to access this document or use this document, please email the EC Team at prekrise.support@ade.arkansas.gov.

Final Data Sheet Only

This Google Document contains a place to record overall data for the beginning of the year data, middle of the year data, and end of the year data. If your district or agency is collecting data using a different method to record student data throughout the year, directors can transfer the information from your system to this final recording sheet and submit it to the PreK RISE Team. This information will be gathered on or before May 15, 2024. If you did not assess your students in the middle of the year, please leave that part blank.

Important tips to remember!

The Launchpad Foundational Skills Survey can be found on the PreK RISE Website under the Launchpad tab or in the Supplemental Resources of each teacher's Launchpad Online platform

Teachers should only assess PK4 students who will be going to kindergarten the following year.