Why Hire Davidson College International Students?

Davidson students are from 55 countries and are equipped for a multicultural and international world. Our students are intellectually curious, hardworking and multilingual with a strong sense of global and intercultural awareness. Davidson International Students have the ability to adapt to new situations, thinking outside the box and thrive in the unfamiliar.

Understanding CPT vs. OPT for Employers

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) 

**Typically for internship/short-term opportunities**

Employer Responsibilities 

Applying for CPT is the sole responsibility of the student and requires no action on the part of the employer. 

Student Responsibilities 

The student should first verify that the opportunity they are interested in aligns with their academic major. Then complete and submit the Davidson Internship Credit Learning Agreement to Center for Career Development. Complete the CPT Authorization form and submit the form and an offer letter from your employer to International Student Programs. 

Cost & Processing Time 

There is no cost to the employer. The processing and approval time for CPT is within 7 working days of receipt of a completed application. 

Optional Practical Training (OPT) 

**For post-graduation opportunities**

Employer Responsibilities 

Applying for OPT is the sole responsibility of the student and requires no action on the part of the employer. OPT can be granted to the student with or without an offer of employment.

Student Responsibilities 

First complete the OPT Request Form and Submit it to International Student Programs. The gather all OPT Application Materials (to be completed while ISP is preparing your new OPT I-20). Schedule an appointment with ISP to Have your completed OPT application reviewed and then send the complete OPT application to USCIS so that it arrives at USCIS within 30 days of the ISP OPT recommendation.

Cost & Processing Time 

There is no cost to the employer. The USCIS processing time for OPT takes an average of 30-90 days. The new employee must have the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card in hand to start work.

Hiring Terms for International Students

Practical training is a legal means by which F-1 students can obtain employment in areas related to their academic field of study. 

F-1 Visa Students - All international students at Davidson College who are neither U.S. Citizens nor Permanent Residents enroll in academic programs under the F-1 nonimmigrant student visa. 

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - Off-campus work authorization, typically for Internships or short-term employment, following an F-1 student’s first year of full-time study allowing them to accept employment related to their major field of study. 

Optional Practical Training (OPT)  - Off-campus work authorization following an F-1 student’s graduation from Davidson College, allowing them to accept full-time employment related to their major field of study.

STEM Extension - An employment authorization status which allows international students with Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) degrees to legally work in the STEM field at a U.S. company after graduating from college, and after completing the regular OPT program.

Sponsorship  - Employer-sponsored visa which is submitted to the USCIS by the sponsoring employer on behalf of the international employee. Via a lottery systems, a limited number of visas are given to applicants with an undergraduate degree (65,000). An additional 20,000 visas are granted to those with US graduate degrees.

STEM Extensions for OPT

What is STEM Extension?

An employment authorization status which allows international students with Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) degrees to legally work in the STEM field at a U.S. company after graduating from college, and after completing the regular OPT program.

The Basics

The STEM OPT extension is a 24-month period of temporary training that directly relates to an F-1 student’s program of study in an approved STEM field. On May 10, 2016, this extension effectively replaced the previous 17-month STEM OPT extension.

Eligible F-1 students with STEM degrees who finish their program of study and participate in an initial period of regular post-completion OPT (often for 12 months) have the option to apply for a STEM OPT extension. Students may not apply for STEM OPT extensions during the 60-day grace period following an initial period of regular post-completion OPT.

With the STEM Extension, it is required that the employer remains in good standing with E-Verify and has the resources to comply with the proposed training plan.

Sponsorship & H1-B

What is Sponsorship?

Employer-sponsored visa which is submitted to the USCIS by the sponsoring employer on behalf of the international employee. Via a lottery systems, a limited number of visas are given to applicants with an undergraduate degree (65,000). An additional 20,000 visas are granted to those with US graduate degrees.

Employer Responsibilities

The employer is responsible for filing the H-1B application on behalf of the international employee. Many companies find that retaining an experienced immigration attorney is helpful to facilitate the process.

Cost and Processing Time

Inclusive of attorney and USCIS application fees, the total cost to apply for an H-1B visa is between $5,000-7,000. The earliest date to apply for an H-1B is April 1. Historically, there has been a high demand for H-1B visas so it is strongly recommended that applications arrive at USCIS on April 1. Approved H-1B visas become effective October 1.

Length of H1-B

Inclusive of attorney and USCIS application fees, the total cost to apply for an H-1B visa is between $5,000-7,000. The earliest date to apply for an H-1B is April 1. Historically, there has been a high demand for H-1B visas so it is strongly recommended that applications arrive at USCIS on April 1. Approved H-1B visas become effective October 1.


For any questions regarding international student hiring, please contact Josh King -