Four Davidson College students standing on electric scooters outside on a wet sidewalk in front of buildings and busy intersection in Washington D.C. One is wearing a face mask and three are holding up peace signs.


We created two mentorship programs in the fall of 2021. Both programs aim to fill recognized gaps, offer support, provide skill building opportunities, foster connection and encourage career development.

Msaada Mentorship Program was developed by Anissa Patton '91 in collaboration with staff from the Matthews Center for Career Development and Office of Alumni and Family Engagement. Msaada, which in Kiswahili means to be of help, is designed for Black students who identify as female at Davidson College by matching them with Black alumnae based upon the student’s field of interest, professional aspirations, and career goals.

46 mentorship relationships were created

46 students, from various majors and disciplines, joined Msaada

51 Black alumna, representing the classes of 1983 to 2020, registered to serve as a mentor and support of the program

2 virtual networking events were hosted

Also in the fall, the Matthews Center for Career Development received a North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities grant to launch a minority male mentorship program, HD: Mentorship that Hits Different, to support first-year and sophomore Black, Latinx, and Native American male-identifying students at Davidson College. As apart of the program launch, we hosted a Barbershop Talk event where over 20 students received information about HD, a free haircut, catered meal and community.

In May, 9 members of the HD program visited Washington, DC for a career and cultural trek. While in DC, HD members were able to engage in a StrengthsFinder session learning more about their talents led by Chidsey Leadership Director, Nadia Campbell. Using the newly acquired knowledge and added self awareness, students participated in a networking event with DC Metro alums of color at ANXO DC. Alums varied in industry offering a range of knowledge and support. During the trek, HD students engaged in two business visits with Davidson alums. Marco Rodriguez Gomez ‘21 welcomed HD members to HR&A where Marco discussed his work in urban planning, real estate, and economic development consulting. Marco also shared about his time at Davidson College, as an international student, and the critical steps taken to secure employment with HR&A and in the United States. Kwame Som-Pimpong ‘09 provided HD members with a tour of Deloitte Digital in Arlington, VA and discussed the various career paths and roles available within Deloitte. During the 4 day stay, students were given free time to explore Washington, DC, visit local monuments and museums including the Washington Monument and National Museum of African American History and Culture. On the return home, HD members were able to visit and tour historically Black college and university, Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia to learn about graduate school options.

15 total members

7 first year students

8 sophomore year students

80% Black

20% Latinx

A group of 9 Davidson College students wearing professional attire, smiling, stand outside on a sidewalk in front of an office building in Washington, D.C.