Remote Administration FAQs

How does a student take a remote LAS Links Online test?

How do I remote test a student with the preLAS assessment?

Guidance for the remote administration of the preLAS may be found at

What devices do students enter the LAS Links Online remote test?

LEA's have three options: provide students with a device loaded with INSIGHT; provide students with a device without INSIGHT; students may use their own personal device (no smartphones).

How do I stop a test while the student is testing?

You may utilize the Test Monitoring Application for this purpose.

It is also possible to “kick a student out of a test” by logging in to the same test, with the student’s login credentials, while the student is still in the test. If you do interrupt a student’s test, make sure to invalidate the test results.

Is there a difference in security and reliability if the students access the test with link or app?

No, there is no difference to students however, DRC prefers that you test utilizing the secure app when testing onsite/in-person.

Do parents have to be present when their child is testing?

Yes. We also encourage you to have the parents sign the parent/guardian/student agreement found at

If a student's test is invalidated due to parental support, can the student retest?

DRC's recommendation is that you suspend testing for that student, invalidate the test and attempt to test the student again when he/she returns to a brick and mortar setting.

What do we do when a student starts a test onsite and is unable to complete all domains due a pivot to online learning?

You may retain the onsite scores and finish the student testing with the remote testing form and utilize the scores from both reports to provide a full report for the student.

How can I tell if the student is using a cell phone during the test?

Preview each student’s environment at the onset of the web meeting, and monitor them for any suspicious behavior, such as looking down or away from the camera during testing. Instruct the students to turn their phones off and place them out of reach prior to testing.

How do we prevent students from letting someone else take the test for them?

To ensure that the student is not letting someone else take their test, LAS Links Online Test Administrators should validate the identity of students entering the web meeting for testing and should monitor the students at all times.

Test Administrators should utilize the Test Monitoring Application in order to keep control of student "entry" into the test. Suspicious results should be questioned, documented and discussed with your director.

Which LAS Links grade spans can be proctored remotely?

All grade spans: PreK-3 years old - 12th grade

If a student is dropped from of a test due to connectivity issues, do they have to complete the test the same day, or can they resume the test the following day?

If possible, please have the student complete the subtest on the same day. If it is not possible, they may resume the next day. If needed, be sure to extend the Test Session end date to allow the student to access the test on the next day.