
Collaborations facilitate the exchange of ideas to strengthen knowledge and skills, while supporting the development of new and innovative ideas. We are incredibly lucky to be supported by so many Dartmouth colleagues and are excited to continue to expand our network. Please reach out for more information!

Key collaborators with the Hixon Lab:

Scalable Energy & Nanomaterial Electronics Lab (SENSE Lab): William Scheideler, PhD, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth

Douglas Van Citters, PhD, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth

Eric Holmgren, MD, DMD (Maxillofacial Surgery), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

I. Leah Gitajn, MD (Orthopaedics), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

Eric Henderson, MD (Orthopaedics), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

M. Shane Chapman, MD (Dermatology), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

Matthew LeBoeuf, MD, PhD (Dermatology), Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center