2019 - Shen 368-Node Brain Atlas

The 368-node brain atlas was created by combining three different delineations of brain regions. For the cortex, Shen et al. applied a group-wise parcellation algorithm (Shen et al., 2010) and obtained 164 nodes in the left hemisphere and 163 nodes in the right hemisphere. This functional parcellation of the cortex was computed based on resting-state BOLD data from 120 subjects collected at Yale (unpublished data). For the subcortical area, we adopted anatomic definitions of subcortical structures (Lacadie et al., 2008). There are seven nodes in each of the left and right subcortical regions. For the cerebellum, they adapted the 17 network definition proposed by Buckner et al. (2011), eliminating some nodes of small size, leaving 13 nodes in each of the left and right cerebellum. They also included one node for the brain stem area.

This atlas was shared by Xilin Shen, Todd Constable, and colleagues.


Shen, X., Tokoglu, F., Papademetris, X. & Constable, R. T. (2013) Groupwise whole-brain parcellation from resting-state fMRI data for network node identification. Neuroimage. 82:403-15