Darnall Sustainability Club - The Earth Savers

The Darnall Sustainability Club is committed to helping preserve and improve our environment by promoting clean living through recycling, reducing use of natural resources, and growing our own food.

Earth Savers Logo

In the Spring of 2018, our club members had a logo design contest. The winning design was created by Sena Harris. This logo is now the inspiration behind the design we used on our club t-shirts and water bottles.

Earth Savers Water Bottles Donated by Coastal Tree Care

Our Community Partner Coastal Tree Care donated water bottles with the Darnall Earth Savers’ logo on them to every Darnall student! Your child can fill these water bottles up at the new filtered water station in the cafeteria or at home. This idea came from our Sustainability Club last year about trying to reduce the amount of disposable bottles students were using and Coastal Tree Care was excited to support their cause.

Darnall Campus Clean Up

Thank you to the Darnall Parent Group for providing our Sustainability Club with trash pickers and buckets to safely pick up trash on campus. Our students are enjoying using their new tools and helping keeping our school clean. This has been one of our primary activities since the club started in Spring of 2018.

Student Leaders

When the club started last year, the students wanted to have leadership roles. So we came up with the roles of President, Vice President, and Secretary to support the the Club Advisor, Mrs. Eves, run the meetings and help out with extra projects. Each candidate had to write an essay describing why they should be picked for the role they were running for.