Community Garden Events

Garden Work Party - Part 2

Nov. 2, 2019 - Our 2nd Garden Work Party was a huge success! We had over 30 parents, students, and teachers turn up to help finish up the 2nd phase of our garden design. We were able to add soil to the 8 new garden beds and cover the garden with mulch provided by our community partner, Coastal Tree Care. Thanks so much to all those who participated!

Garden Work Party

April 13, 2019 - What an amazing turnout we had our our 1st Darnall Garden Work Party! We had parents, grandparents, cousins, little sisters and brothers, teachers, administration, support staff, boyfriends, husbands, students and even former Darnall students spend their Saturday morning shoveling soil and wood chips into our new garden! We couldn’t have done it with out them! Each and every person pitched in! I’m so grateful to be apart of this incredible Darnall Family! I can’t wait to see Our garden grow!