Geology 1

Geology in a Minute - What is Geology.mp4

Description of Course:

This course is a quarter-long course offered in the Fall and/or Spring for students in the 6th-8th grade. The purpose of the course is to expose the students to the geological processes and structures affecting their world. Students will have an opportunity to explore how the interaction of Earth processes can affect both biotic and abiotic factors on a local and global scale. This course will also allow for students to discover potential careers in the Earth Sciences and to prepare the student for future geologic coursework.

Scope and Sequence:

The Earth and its Structure

In this topic, we will explore the inner workings of the Earth and how these diverse layers influence each other and those that live on the surface.

Plate Tectonics

In this topic, we will explore the research and ideas of Alfred Wegener and how his theory not only changed our understanding of the world, but explains most of the events that occur on the surface.


In this topic, we will explore how earthquakes occur and why some are minor to the point of being irrelevant and others destroy entire area.


In this topic, we will explore the different types of volcanoes, how they form, and why some can become so devastating.

Real World Applications:

Top Ten Geology careers in demand

1. Geoscientist

If you are interested in analyzing data and information and interested in geology, then you can apply for entry-level geoscientist jobs after completing a bachelor's degree in the same. But for doing some basic research in this field, you require a Phd. A geoscientist learns the past, present, and future by studying the physical aspects of the earth like its structure, processes, composition. The average geologist salary is $112000.

2. Field assistant

Field assistant is also one of the top geology careers in demand. A field assistant is a suitable career for those who are social people. Field assistants assist clients, social workers with daily activities. They cross-check whether the service provided to clients is appropriate or not. A high school diploma is enough for the job, and some may hire people who have prior experience for the same. The average annual salary for a Field assistant is $30,000.

3. Mine Geologist

A Mine Geologist is responsible for making scientific maps and charts, and they are also responsible for preparing scientific reports, including reviewing reports and research done by other scientists. Starting career for entry-level geoscientist jobs in mine geologist, you require a bachelor's degree, and in some states, you might require a license to offer your services to the public. Average annual a mine geologist salary is $114000.

4. MUD Logger

A Mud Logger helps scientists and engineers in exploring and extracting natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, and minerals. Mud Logger is responsible for monitoring exploration activities and recording data like temperature and pressure. Apart from this, he is responsible for so many things like installing and maintaining laboratory equipment, conducting scientific test samples, and more. To start your career as a mudlogger, you require a bachelor's degree. If you are thinking about how much do geologists make as a mudlogger, then their average annual salary is $102000, and you can earn more with experience.

5. Consulting Geologist

A consulting geologist is the best option for those who are interested in planning and visiting new locations. They are responsible for conducting laboratory test samples in the field. To become a consulting geologist, you are having at least a bachelor's degree, and the geology major salary for the same is $110600.

6. Environmental Field Technician

An environmental field technician is responsible for analyzing and collecting samples for soil, water, air, and other material for laboratory analysis. To become an environmental field technician, you require an associate degree or two years of post-secondary education, and for some positions, you may only require a bachelor's degree. The average annual payout for this job is $36000.

7. Assistant Geologist

An assistant geologist is responsible for the supervision of technicians and other co-workers with other scientists on the field and in the laboratory. To start your career as an assistant geologist, you need to have at least a bachelor's degree. The average annual salary is $110,000.

8. Meteorologist

Meteorologist or Atmospheric scientist is in charge of developing the methods, processes, and computer programs that analyze the data related to the atmosphere and generate the relevant reports. To pursue this as a career, you have to have a bachelor's degree in atmospheric science or a related scientific field. The average annual payout is $57,000.

9. Petroleum Geologists

Petroleum Geologist is involved in finding and production of oil and natural gas resources. This is a labor-intensive job, but also the demand for Petroleum geologists is on the rise. The average annual salary of petroleum geologists is $107,724, which is amongst the top average salaries in the field of geology.

10. Hydrologists

They are responsible for finding out and analyzing the source of life on earth, i.e., water resources. They study the water cycle and find out the impact of water pollution, soil erosion, drought, and other problems that harm the environment. To pursue a career as a Hydrologist, you need to have a bachelor's degree in a field related to Hydrology. The average annual salary is $61,351, who is working as a hydrologist.
