Chemistry 2

Description of Course:
These courses would be quarter-long courses offered in the Fall and/or Spring for students in the 6th-8th grade. The purpose of the course would be to expose the students to basic chemical concepts and theories and how they interact in the form of chemical reactions. Students who take this course would come away with a strong chemistry foundation to prepare them for future course work on the High School level. (Chemistry 1 is a prerequisite to Chemistry 2)
Scope and Sequence:
Chemical Reaction Types
In this topic, we will explore the different types of chemical reactions and how they are classified. This will include experimentation and demonstration lessons.
Chemical Reaction Rates
In this topic, we will explore how to speed up and slow down chemical reactions using a variety of factors. This will be accomplished with experimentation.
Chemical Classifications
In this topic, we will explore how substances are classified based on their properties and compositions. Students will perform experiments to classify the chemicals and substances seen in class.
In this topic, we will explore how heat influences chemicals and their reactions. We will also explore the dynamics of heat transfers between substances and how to prevent heat loss.
Real World Applications:
15 Popular Chemistry Degree Jobs
1. Chemical technician
National average salary: $17.29 per hour
Primary duties: Chemical technicians are responsible for ensuring research chemists are able to properly and efficiently perform studies in a lab. They might complete items such as monitoring equipment or using techniques to help in specific research tasks.
2. Toxicologist
National average salary: $20.76 per hour
Primary duties: Toxicologists are responsible for testing various blood and tissue samples to detect the presence of pharmaceuticals, poison, alcohol and other substances in the body. They might help answer questions related to criminal cases.
3. Chemistry teacher
National average salary: $26.18 per hour
Primary duties: Chemistry teachers develop and present curriculum related to chemistry science. They are responsible for ensuring the effective transfer of knowledge to their students through lectures, tests, projects and more.
4. Water chemist
National average salary: $29.08 per hour
Primary duties: Water chemists are responsible for studying and monitoring the presence of chemicals in water. They might perform tasks like ensuring water purification processes are safe, collect and analyze water from various ecosystems and make projections to help determine various rules, regulations and policies.
5. Analytical chemist
National average salary: $59,309 per year
Primary duties: Analytical chemists study substances for toxicology examinations, developing pharmaceuticals, answering forensic questions and more. Analytical chemists might work for a particular lab or organization, and might also adopt particular specialties like forensics or toxicology.
6. Synthetic chemist
National average salary: $66,949 per year
Primary duties: Synthetic chemists test and develop chemical compounds to create new material for a specific purpose. They typically work in a lab and can develop materials for nearly any industry including healthcare, manufacturing and food and beverage.
7. Quality control chemist
National average salary: $66,949 per year
Primary duties: Quality control chemists, or QC chemists, monitor and test the use of materials during the production process to ensure all standards are met. QC chemists typically work in the pharmaceutical or manufacturing fields. They might also develop new products and testing methods.
8. Organic chemist
National average salary: $66,949 per year
Primary duties: Organic chemists research, manipulate and study materials that contain carbon. They might perform various scientific studies to identify or find applications for materials. Many different professions might employ organic chemistry like chemical engineers, veterinarians, pharmacology and more.
9. Forensic scientist
National average salary: $68,263 per year
Primary duties: Forensic scientists collect and analyze evidence from a crime scene. This might include items like dirt samples, blood samples, fingerprints and more. They are responsible for using their expertise to report on and present their findings in legal cases.
10. Hazardous waste chemist
National average salary: $69,201 per year
Primary duties: Hazardous waste chemists are responsible for monitoring and managing chemical pollutants in the air and water. They might work for entities with large production and manufacturing operations to ensure processes adhere to rules and regulations. They might also work to develop plans for better, more efficient ways for organizations to manage hazardous waste.
11. Geochemist
National average salary: $82,168 per year
Primary duties: Geochemists study the appearance, movement and effect of chemical compounds of the earth. This might involve the movement and distribution of compounds through water systems, the chemical makeup of minerals and more.
12. Oceanographer
National average salary: $83,705 per year
Primary duties: Oceanographers are responsible for researching marine ecosystems. They perform scientific studies on topics like seafloor geology, ocean life, water compounds, circulation and more.
13. Materials scientist
National average salary: $86,315 per year
Primary duties: Materials scientists study and analyze both natural and manmade items to learn more. Their findings might be used to develop new materials, alter materials or make decisions about using materials in a different way.
14. Chemical engineer
National average salary: $92,978 per year
Primary duties: Chemical engineers use various methods of research including mathematics and biology to create and develop production processes related to chemicals. Their work aids in manufacturing products like pharmaceuticals, food, fuel and more.
15. Pharmacologist
National average salary: $94,193 per year
Primary duties: Pharmacologists perform studies on new and existing drugs and other pharmaceuticals for their effect on humans and animals. They study the source and chemical makeup of drugs. They might be responsible for ensuring drugs are safe and adhere to rules and regulations.