Current Events in Science

Top 10 Biggest Scientific Discoveries of 2020.mp4

Description of Course:

This course is a quarter-long course offered in the Fall and/or Spring for students in the 6th-8th grade. Students will have an opportunity to explore the new trends and discoveries in science, in some cases as they are occurring! Student interests will be part of the topic selection in this discussion style course.

Scope and Sequence:

The Nature of Science

In this topic, we will begin to explore how science changes over the course of time, even in this current moment.

What's Happening...?

In this topic, we will begin to look at the current state of science by students researching the new discoveries in one of the branches of science.

Observe and Report

In this topic, we will work together to create a digital platform to report on the new trends and discoveries in science uncovered by the students as part of this course.

Real World Applications:

Explore Careers in Science Communication

Science communication and science writing present a variety of job opportunities for which PhDs are well equipped. After years spent honing written and verbal communication skills by writing scientific manuscripts, drafting grants, and presenting research findings, scientists have the capability to work in this field. That being said, building a career in science communication requires trainees to learn about different job prospects and develop the qualifications that will help them stand out. For example freelance science writing, research development and science outreach represent careers that fall within science communication. However, they each require trainees to develop specific proficiencies. Below we share common job titles and provide resources to help trainees prepare for a career in science communication.

Examples of Science Communication Jobs

  • Science Journalist

  • Science Blogger or Podcaster

  • Public Relations Officer

  • Communications Manager

  • Education and Outreach Manager

  • Medical Writer

  • Research Development Officer

  • Journal Editor
